With Bruce Wayne soon to return to Gotham City, the secret past lives of his parents Thomas and Martha have come back to haunt the family legacy! What bizarre experience in their past is connected to the horrible plan that Tommy Elliot has set in motion? Find out here in part 2 of the 5-part sequel to the best-selling “Heart of Hush”!

Plus, don’t miss the start of a new Ragman co- feature, written by Fabian Nicieza (RED ROBIN)! This 5-part story finds Rory Regan starting a new job at the city morgue as his tenement neighborhood is threatened by the Mayor’s “renewal plan” and Firefly, an arsonist who might be on the city payroll!

Written by PAUL DINI
Co-feature written by FABIAN NICIEZA
Co-feature Art by ???

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Franktiger11/20/10YesRead Review
robbydzwonar11/19/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. Has been my fave Bat-title, hope Dini and DNguyen stay on this, and hope DNguyen’s art keeps up to snuff, unlike his recent work on Batgirl.

  2. @Franktiger:  I think this one is gonna get canceled soon.  I’ll be a little disappointed, but it is somewhat expected as well.  Look how many comments it has so far.  Nobody is reading this anymore but you and I.

  3. @robby – that’s because this book isn’t late, so TNC’s got nothing to say about it, ComicbookChris is on some other Batman thread proclaiming he’s the only one who understands the incomprehensible, and ScorpionMasada is out on some highschool playground bullying some small kid.

    Just kidding guys, you guys are great.

    But this is Dini’s Batman book, as long as he’s spinning dark, ‘street level’ stories and making up cool new criminals like the Broker and the Director, and he’s got Hush on this book, they better not cancel it.  I mean Batman & Robin ain’t goin anywhere, Batman and Detective aren’t either, Batman Inc. is the new concept, if any title should be cancelled it’s Confidential I think, not the one that really deals with the underbelly of the Batman world.

  4. I’m still reading.  I’m just happy the House of Hush storyline is back on track.  No more delays please!  I’ve been looking forward to this since it was announced.

  5. @Franktiger- Agreed. This has been the best Bat-book since R.I.P. when everything went off the rails in the the Bat-verse.

  6. This has been one of my fave bat books. Love that Hush is in it!

  7. So happy to see the Hush sequel continuing–and the preview for this was really fun, especially for me, who loves some Bat/Cat interaction. 😀

  8. Still buying this as long as Dini is writing it.  Fun issue.  I like this Judson Pierce guy.  And the Bedbug?  That could be a cool villain!

  9. Did Dustin Nguyen really do the art in this issue? Is he doing the art on this and BATGIRL for the next few months? That seems rather odd.

  10. I liked the interaction between Bruce and Catwoman. Also anything considering Bruce and Elliot’s history is like candy to me. For the backup, I liked the art, but didn’t care for the story.

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