Price: $17.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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  1. Never read these but have heard the "Big Three" wax on about Cooke’s "The Spirit" on the podcast…plus I like Batman, so I’m giving this a shot.  Tim Sale and Bill Wray are solid artists and the cover looks good, vaguely Matt Wagner-esque.  I assume Cooke does the pencils?

  2. i love darwyn cooke!

  3. I have these in their original pressings, but if you aren’t already buying EVERYTHING Darwyn Cooke writes or draws (or both) then start now. He is amazing. Love his work.

  4. @ Urthona:  I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing that the Gotham Knights stories included in here were only written by Cooke and drawn by the other artists.  The other stories are, as far as I know, 100% Cooke (he wrote/drew them).

  5. @Bytor88: Thanks for the info.  My LCS didn’t have the book (waah) but it is back-ordered.  My fault, I didn’t know about this book till the week of delivery.

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