Price: $2.99
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akamuu | 10/13/09 | No | Read Review |
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This book makes me happy.
Great cover.
does anyone else think it’s a little silly to have a bat-character that is basically a happy-go-lucky ditsy blonde collage chick?
isn’t the pathso of a bat-character the bunden they bare? Not just looking cool in leather and punching people?
@edward – What bunden did Barbara Gordon bare when she was Batgirl? Is it necessary to have a college degree before becoming Batgirl or should one not go to college if they want to be Batgirl? And what does being blonde have to do with any of it?
@gnanniv: didn’t barbara’s character suck until she was shot though the spine? Wasn’t she ridiculous until they added poignancy to her character?
And there is a popular conception in western society that blonde women may be a slightly less sharp than their contemporaries. It’s a stereotype. In the context of my previous post, it was a shorthand to explain the type of character Stephanie is. Sorry, if you were offended but it’s not like Blonde women have to contend with that terrible of a stigma. Pretty obvious.
@edward – Barbara never sucked and was never ridiculous. You may well argue that Barbara was more interesting as a cripple, but this misses the point. Stephanie being "Happy go lucky," as you put it, is not unprecedented. Correct me if im wrong, but it sounds like you would only find Stephanie interesting if she was horribly maimed or if her mother died. Not offended by the blonde thing, just curious. And I still don’t understand the college thing.
@gnanniv: um, because she IS in collage. agian, pretty obvious
and she did and is was
Let’s talk about tone in Batman media. What was better Adam West or Frank Miller?
ha ha, I meant: ‘and she did and was‘
@edward – I’m aware that she is in college. . . the question was how that made her silly.
Dude, if you thought that Babs was ridicuulous and sucked, or that Stephanie was silly and did not fit as a Bat-character you should have said that, I can’t tell if your asking rhetorical questions through your text.
@edward Barbara Gordon was far more convincing as Batgirl then crazy-super-karate-woman. "See, she’s asian sos he has to be good at martial arts! Plus, daddy issues!"
Liked this well enough. Not sure I’ll be staying on beyond the fist arc, yet. Phil Noto’s covers have been amazing for this book. Simple, but evocative.
@gnannvi: yes, sir.
@ praxjarvin: no, dude, she spoke the language of violance. I’ll let you re-collect your thoughts after blowing your mind
I absolutely loved the first two issues of this series. I dropped Supergirl because it’s tied into ACTION which cost four bucks now so I am gonna have this take its place.
Just saw the preview for this, and it seems to continue the goodness.
This book makes me happy.
= The writing in this one was severely lacking. I could almost have done without the captions. There just clearly wasn’t any clarity in the message of what was being said. Argue what you will, but in the context of clarity, this issue hit rock bottom.
Also edward brought up an interesting point in that Spoi-erm I mean Batgirl has a strong resemblance to Alicia Silverstone from that crappy-erm I mean campy Batman & Robin movie which made me smile.
Writing was not great, but still a very entertaining read. I’m looking forward to the next arc.
There might be something to this college thinB after all…
I’m enjoying this a lot. Steph’s an interesting character, and there are a lot of posssibilities with the setup with Barbara. I hear Cassandra will be coming back, too; I think they’re trying to do justice to all of the Batgirls.
I liked this issue the best of the three. Not stellar. I felt the art was a bit more "on" this issue as well. 4/5. I’m planning on picking up at least one or two more issues before deciding to drop it or not. I liked Spoiler, so so far I’m in. I kind of like the Purple/Yellow costume motiff. Nice reference to classic Barbara costume. (Yeah, it was retconned to being black from the beginning somewhere along the line, but it was meant to be purple as it was created in concert with the 60s Batman costume people!)
This was a surprisingly good issue. Adding the series to my pull now. Don’t dig the new costume, though.
I miss Cassandra.