Comic Books



Yes, we’re late… but we still love you, baby! We’re going to prove our love with drugs, violence and dysfunction — all hand crafted just for you! Lou calls for a road trip to Vegas — the most dangerous place on Earth for a werewolf in an existential crisis, not to mention the home turf of his mysterious shadow… BAKER.

art & cover DIEGO GRECO

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.5%


JoeCom03/17/11NoRead Review


  1. No way…it’s got to have been almost 2 years.

  2. Joe Kelly has been M.I.A. lately.

  3. A year and a half later, I am still looking forward to this issue. Also looking forward to rereading the first 3 issues in anticipation for #4 to drop.

  4. Just re read issues 1-3 … good god I love Bad Dog!

  5. Now I just need some Fell and Image and I will be straight.

  6. Oh my god, I can not believe that is actually coming out! Yay!

  7. when was 3 released?

  8. The most awesome of all the vaporbooks. Put me down for two copies. One to read and one to crumple in a ball and throw at tourists. Woo ha!

  9. @SomeCreepy – I believe it was May 2009.

    Just curious but was there any announcement as to the shipping schedule for future issues or will we be waiting until May 2013? 

  10. #3 was released as scratchings on cave walls

  11. @SomeCreepyDude #3 was released Sept. ’09.

    @kmob181 No future issues have been solicited. According to Joe Kelly’s Twitter, #5 art is getting started and he’s also doing some work on the next Four Eyes stuff.

  12. @ghettojourno  – Thanks.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed for quarterly but won’t hold my breath.

  13. whoa! Didnt even know about #3. Gonna read this one

  14. Wow.  Defnitely enjoyed 1-3, but I’ll wait for a trade when it wraps up.

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