This is it: the series finale – and the end of the Initiative as we know it! Learn the fate of your favorite heroes, villains…and those who aren’t quite sure what they are, but who are going to have to decide in a hurry! Who will taste sweet victory? Who will know the agony of defeat? For some this is an end — for others, a new beginning (which you’ll be reading about very soon)! Camp H.A.M.M.E.R. is falling…and The Heroic Age is dawning!

WRITER: Christos N. Gage
PENCILS: Jorge Molina
INKS: Mirco Pierfederici
COLORED BY: Will Murray
LETTERED BY: Keith Aiken
COVER BY: David Yardin

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


JdRavnos05/14/10NoRead Review
JesTr05/13/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. This is one of my favorite Marvel series and some of the best superhero writing I’ve read lately has happened in this book.

    Glad we got Avengers Academy to replace it.

  2. here’s to the end of an outstanding run

  3. I hate to see this go.  I was with it since the beginning.  I hope the adventures of Taskmaster and Constrictor can live on somewhere.

  4. Yeah… This was consistently one of my favorite super-heroe titles for pretty much its entire run.

  5. @ABirdseysView  Here, here!   Gage owns these characters.

  6. Well, there series had it’s ups and downs for me, but over all this was a solid book.

  7. It was a great run, but I’m passing on Academy.

  8. I’ve loved this book from the beginning and hope that Taskmaster still has a prominent place in the Marvel U.

  9. I also have loved this book and will miss it. I was totally not on board for Avengers Academy until I read an interview with Gage on Marvel.com and he laid it out in a way that seemed good.

  10. super excited for this finale issue but even more excited for avengers academy

  11. Is Tigras kitten Skrull Hank Pym’s or the real Hank Pym’s? Nice of her to name it after her late husband William.

  12. @XmanRyan   I think she had said that she was unsure which was the father.  But with a gestation period of two months, it seems to me it has to be Skrull Pyms.

    Great close to the series. Hope Constrictor and Diamondback get the opportunity to share the page again in Academy.

  13. Dying to know where Taskmaster ends up after this.


  14. Great run, loved almost this entire series (save a few issues in the late teens, early twenties).  Gage is one the brightest young writers around, and if his new characters are as good as the ones he came up with for this book and for Stormwath: Post Human Division, Avengers Academy will be a very suitable replacement.

  15. @Diabhol: Same here.

    After I read the part that has Amadeus Cho wandering like the dude form Kung Fu, the first thing to pop in my head was the sad theme from the Incredible Hulk.

  16. @JesTr- except that it’s Trauma, but ok

    it has to be Skrull-Pym’s baby, but I’m guessing it will be thoroughly swept under the rug from here on out. 

  17. @ABirdseysView: Whoops your right, sorry for the flub.

  18. Gotta say meh … enjoyed this run, but a bit disappointed with the final pages … 

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