• Black Widow heads back to her old stomping ground of San Francisco for coffee, old friends…

…and the end of the world as we know it.

• The Age of Ultron is here — and nobody’s getting out in one piece…

Story by Al Ewing
Art by Butch Guice & Tom Palmer
Colors by Frank D'Armata
Cover by Nic Klein

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. Issue 2 of AoU was my favorite so far, mostly because of the part Black Widow played in it.

    I’m looking forward to this issue a lot! It might reveal what happened to Natasha before the start of AoU issue 2.

  2. Only pulling this for Natasha. I believe this is supposed to be a two issue AoU run while Kelly-Sue takes a breather.

  3. Surprisingly better than I expected, though it seems to have a rather low amount of pulls (Demon Knights beat it?). Guess I’m not the only one not wowed by Age of Ultron in general . . .

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