• Have the Academy students switched sides in the war with the mutants?

• Guest-starring Sebastian Shaw!

Story by Christos Gage
Art by Tom Grummett & Cory Hamscher
Colors by Chris Sotomayor
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Jim Charalampidis, Stephen Segovia, & Chris Sotomayor

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


Kzinti06/07/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. So on the fence about dropping this. It used to be so good, and its the only book with my favorite character X-23 in it but ya…. its been a shit show lately :S
    Gage is way better than this.

  2. Avatar photo MindTrickdMedia (@mindtrickdmedia) says:

    as a subscriber at my LCS, I’m picking up all AVX titles, and this is definitely my….wait for it…LEAST FAVORITE. I might need to drop this one but I’m such a completist. I just hope it goes darker with that feel of protective services or whatever. The name of the story arc is much better than the story inside.

  3. Shaw as I remember was a murdering piece of hell, I thought he was out for blood last issue however instead; he is the childrens savior? It sounds like something happened to his mind and had that part of himself wiped away, so then why did he escape and then go all crazy and then chill??!! It was a little wierd to be honest, and the kids interaction was almost just thrown around very loosely in some of the characters case. I liked some of the interactions and Hercules seems to really have become just a tool, whats up with him now a days. I am only passing throw this as it is a cross over for AVX.


  4. BEST AvX issue out of the entire cross over. Instead of adults being pompous a$$holes & beating the crap out of each other, the kids & their mentors discussed the situation respectfully. Thanks, Christos!

    • That’s what I’ve loved about this. Tackling big issues that don’t just relate to beings in the Marvel universe but also in our universe. While everyone worships AvX and Batman, I try to let everyone know this is my favorite title and is always on top of my stack when it comes out. Too bad more people don’t see that, but we all have different tastes 🙂

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