Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Hmmm. So Kirkman can’t get his two main titles out on time … ever; but is now going to have another monthly title. Sounds like a great idea.

  2. @jobob247 hey who’s to say if the reason Walkding Dead and Invincible are often less than monthly is because of kirkman? he’s only have of the creative team (and of course most of editorial). Jason Howard seems like he might be fast-ish artist. He was managing to put out a comic once every two months while working a full time day job. That’s pretty impressive.

    but if I get to choose between 12 issues each of invincible and walking dead a year or 10-11 issues each of those books plus 10-11 issues of wolfman, I choose the second option.

    anyway, I love this book. read the trade of this (if you haven’t already read that stuff) and tell me you don’t want kirkman trying to fit this into his schedule.

  3. Hopping on here.

  4. I read this in 2 minutes. Think I’ll get it in trades where it might read a lot better.

  5. @Cromulent Yeah, this issue went ridiculously fast. It isn’t normally like this. This was kind of wack as a single issue. Another couple of issues like this and I too will switch to trades.

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