Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


changingshades06/06/09NoRead Review
cyberauron05/29/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Fuck yeah!!! Wolf-Man Vs. Zechariah!!!

  2. #15 was one of my very favorites from the entire series, so it goes without saying that this one is highly anticipated. Plus, we’re getting the showdown!

  3. I’m almost surprised at just how this book really is. Then again, it’s an Image book by Kirkman–how could it NOT be good?

  4. @kwisdumb – couldn’t agree more. 

  5. I was a little iffy on iss 15, mainly for the 2 time they switch the plot around, but still good

  6. I’ve been reading this in trades, but today I asked my comic book shop to add it to my folder … turns out they stopped ordering any a while ago! Comic writing is a cruel mistress; you can have the best-selling non-DC-and-Marvel title on the market, but that means exactly Jack Shit about your other books.

  7. That was an amazing issue…right up until the completely cliched and pedestrian "twist" that was obvious a mile away.

    I seriously have to drop this book.

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