Comic Books


Price: $29.95
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 47.6%


  1. A.MAZ.ING!  This will surely attain classic status in a few years.  Just a joy from cover to cover.

  2. POW easy

  3. I was a bit reluctant to read this given all the hype, and even the fact that it just didn’t seem my cup of tea (for instance I was completely nonplussed by Black Hole, which I read during the Summer).

    However, this is easily one of the greatest works in comics of the last many many years. In terms of GN’s, it’s right up there with From Hell for me.

  4. why’s this in this week’s comics list? :S

  5. Is this a softcover version? That’s what i assumed on seeing it.

  6. A $30 softcover?  Second printing?  What’s the deal?

  7. This book is preposterously good.  I was a little hesitant, as the commenter above, presuming this just wasn’t going to be my cup-of-tea, but man… brilliant barely sums up how good it is.

  8. This never shipped. In Manhattan, at least. Too bad…

  9. Any idea when the softcover is coming out?  Tried to look it up, but found nothing.

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