Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


  1. Very much anticipated.

  2. w00t, The last issue of Angel was awesome, I wonder how Lynch and Urru will finish up their run? I am also anticipating this issue.

  3. Didn’t know this was coming out so quick, but I guess that’s for the better. I’m still not sure if I want to continue after that though…

  4. @cylonpete  Well there’s only a few issues left as this is the final chapter

  5. @RoiVampire Yeah, but this novel lady, whose name I totally forgot, takes over and they keep the numbering and all. I’m curious, but I’m also chronically broke.

  6. Whoa, wait so once Lynch is done they’re gonna continue with a new storyline


  7. I think, after this last storyline, I’m gonna switch to trades if they keep putting this book out.



  8. Ongoing series usually continue to go on.  Kinda how it works.

  9. @TommyBrownell Oh man, I’m such a dumbass. See I thought Lynch was the only writer who was gonna write this book. Also when they said “final chapter” I kinda took it at face value. Also Lynch said in interviews this wasn’t an ongoing but longer than a maxi-series. Man I shouldn’t even be posting here.

  10. @Diabhol – I’m kinda with you there. This has felt off the boil for a while now. I’ll stick with it until Lynch finishes his run, he started so strongly he deserves that, but after that I’ll see what the buzz is like and get trades. There’s a financial aspect to it, but it’s become one of the books I enjoy least.

    Hope it proves me wrong though…

  11. I think they’re splitting into two books. Some writer’s taking over and then they announced that Lynch was doing a Spike spinoff that’s indefinite. I hope it’s got a plot this time >.>

    Anyways, I’m excited for this. I really, really liked the past two issues.

  12. @RoiVampire: I really didn’t mean to sound so snarky, I promise.  I kinda figure that "Aftermath" is basically the epilogue to After the Fall, and then we get what will amount to Angel Season 7.  That said, this IS literally the final chapter in After the Fall.  Then Kelly Armstrong takes over for Aftermath (which is supposed to be about five issues).

    @GungaDin: A Spike spin-off?  Hadn’t heard that…and I can’t say I’m thrilledas Spike: After the Fall was Not Good at best.

  13. @tommybrownell  wow people actually apologize on here, sorry if i came off snarky as well, i’m used to having to up my defenses on newsarama. Oh and the Spike spin-off is going to be about Spike’s early days, pretty much fleshing out the decades we missed in the flashbacks on Buffy and Angel from what I here.

  14. @TommyBrownell Yeah. I wouldn’t be thrilled if Lynch wasn’t writing it. He writes a good Spike. My problem with Spike: After The Fall was the lack of anything relevant. It felt masturbatory and it had no real point to anything. Also, no plot.

    @RoiVampire. I’m sorry, but that Spike spin-off suddenly sounds stupid. Spike and Angel flashbacks were only ever interesting if they were relevant to the main story.

  15. @Gungadin  Well i think it will be relevant to something happenign to spike in the present but the bulk of the story will be the spike in the 60s 70s and 80s

  16. @RoiVampire But see, I’m not interested in that Spike. That’s just Spike walking around being an asshole before he did the thing that made him Spike which was Buffyverse.

  17. What GungaDin said.  Flashback Spike isn’t that interesting to me…but I will probably do issue 1 to see what we’ve got.

    Very good issue.  Angel is probably my favorite modern hero.  I’m liking the new status quo as well as the quiet acknowledgments of the status quo shifts between Buffy and Angel.

  18. Well that was probably the best issue of After the Fall in a good many months. The over all story is a little disappointing, but i think there are some definite high points to the overall story. 

  19. Read it, liked it  very much (we need more Spike/Angel driving in a car!) and I’m done with the book. Don’t really care what Kelly Armstrong does, but if it’s any good I’ll pick up the trade. Plus, there is the financial factor for me.

    It was a fun ride…

  20. This was really good. Excited to see where it goes next. Solid issue.

  21. so the world now knows about all the vaps,demons and gods oh my.  just like in buffy huh  yeah i think someones going to that well a bit to much

  22. @peterporker: I’m guessing it is intentional…tying the worlds in together.  It would be weirder for people to NOT acknowledge it in one book, but to do so in the other.

  23. @tommybrownwell: yeah i get what your saying but in angel they are cut off from the rest of the world (the rest of the world never new l.a went to hell) so it doesnt tie in at all anso consider that angel and buffy have differnt publishing rights.  they might as well be marvel and d.c

  24. But they aren’t cut off from the rest of the world.  That was the whole point of the prior issue.  LA has been returned to the normal dimension, but the residents of LA that went into Hell still remember that they went into Hell and that Angel saved them.

    I am aware of the different publishing rights, but that’s just Whedon’s circle not wanting to insult the fans, even if the companies don’t want to cooperate.

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