Comic Books


It all comes down to this: revenge.

It’s payback time, as fledgling vampire Pearl Jones finally confronts the vicious Hollywood coven that left her for dead, and Will Bunting reveals the final, shocking chapter in the saga of James Book and his deadliest adversary, American vampire Skinner Sweet. Be there for the unforgettable, double conclusion to the first arc of AMERICAN VAMPIRE.

Writer: Scott Snyder, Stephen King
Artist: Rafael Albuquerque

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.0%


Xeno07/30/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Best new series of 2010!

  2. I love this book.  I always take my time reading the story and appreciating the artwork. 

  3. @onasunday: agreed!

  4. Aaaand this is where I get off. Not worth the $4 price tag. Good, but I get better vampires elsewhere, i.e. True Blood. See you in the dollar bins, maybe in trade. 

  5. This comic has been better than True Blood this season.

  6. 32 pages. $3.99.  dropped.

  7. did it used to be 2.99? I can’t remember.

  8. Used to be 40 pages, with a Steven King backup.

  9. I could be wrong, this says Steven King on it, but I know I read that the August issue had a page drop and the King backup was falling out, it might not be til the next issue, nevertheless….

  10. This issue features the conclusion to both stories. So either A) the solicit is a misprint and it actually is still 40 pages or B) the main story is shorter this month. I’m hoping for the former, but we’ll see. Either way, I might be switching to trades on this book. I’ve been loving it, but I want to have it on my shelf rather than in a long box.

  11. I’ve read issues 1-4 through scans only, but I’m so loving this book, that I feel stupid for not getting it back when it started…I’ve been trying to get the back issues but only got issue 4…It sucks that its hard to get back issues of these types of books here in the Philippines *sigh*

  12. This book has been kickin’ ass all over town.

  13. I thought about getting this in trade but I feel these non super hero type books need the support, even though this one seems 2 b doing fine

  14. I missed out on the last issue becasue it sold out and it was unavailable for reorder.. I hope to get this one. This is a kick ass series!

  15. Damn good conclusion to this arc. I want to keep reading in singles…but I also want the trades. What to do?!?!?

  16. @drake- Next issue there’s no more King back-up, but still $3.99 without it … I’ll be switching to trade.

  17. 🙁

  18. 4 bucks is too much…FTS!   i’m boycotting 4 dollar books. 

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