Comic Books
A drag race to the death comes to a fiery end, a sworn enemy’s identity is finally revealed, and lots of blood is spilled.
It’s 1955 in America and teenagers have gone wild and bloodthirsty in “Death Race” part 3!
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.3%
Avg Rating: 4.5
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Is it me or does it appear that there are two faces in the mirror? Nice work by Albuquerque on this cover!
Yeah, it looks like another creepy face in the background… can’t wait to read this one!
It’s awesome how the girls hand forms the mouth of the face in the mirror, I didn’t notice that at first.
mirror background to me looks like some dude standing there wearing bickcle gloves
The story was ok this issue, but I really dug the art, that one double page spread was pretty freakin sweet.
Loving this arc, can’t go wrong with American vampire
the beast in the cave arc was the only dull part of this series other than that it’s been really good. Loving this arc. If this moving forward through time keeps up maybe we’ll get to see skinner sweet on a moon base, who wouldn’t love vampires in SPACE!!!! 5/5