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I don’t get how Ron can criticize some ASM comics, yet gives THIS a pass? THIS!?!?! The worst interior art ASM has seen since the 1980s. Is it maybe cause the creators are friends of iFanboy w/ a recent interview, and in the past their friends are consistently favorably reviewed? Yes, only explanation.
Or it could just be an opinion. Or, and I know this is crazy, he could just like the story despite the art. I will never understand why you continue to come to a site run by people you show no respect for and constantly accuse of favoritism.
Everyone has different likes or dislikes, get the hell over it man.
I love the interior art. Never met Paul Azaceta.
I’ll admit I wasn’t crazy about the art in the first issue of this arc but the second issue was gorgeous. that one page of spidey swinging towards those helicopters blew my hair back
I like the art.
Another try at ASM, another big meh. Re-dropping with this issue.
I’m with conor, first issue didn’t nail it for me, but the second was very good
@Kickass: Dude, if I had three seconds to name artists than Ron loves one would be Francis Manapul and the other would be Marcos Martin. You do listen to the podcast, right? 🙂
I love Azaceta…I think another artist might be better for the huge cast Spidey event type of book, but I can hardly complain
I don’t like the art at all, but (besides Peter being horribly of model), it shows skill. It’s not like Azaceta doesn’t know what he’s doing, his style is just ain’t my thing, I guess.
What I am trying to say is: Even though I don’t like it, I can see why people do. Besides being a buddy of Azaceta.
It is definitely true that the BND run of artists has led to a lot of controversy. There is no definitive style that the book has gone with (although I have sensed a bit of a retro- let’s get back to Ditko, but that is far from universal). This has led to a lot of very cool looking comics, in my opinion. And it is well served by the pace. If you don’t like Azaceta, fine. Wait a few weeks and see if you like the next guy. This may change a bit under the new Slott direction. Not only is the pacing slower, but with a single writing voice I don’t think you can throw in every artist under the sun and make a good comic.
I swear you can’t be a real person.
Anyway, the art is fantastic although I could see how peopel are irked by it. Still, really enjoying this arc a lot!
I’m not sure if its just the style or what, but I find Azceta to be really inconsistent. There are times in this arc where I think it looks great, and then there will be a panel where it looks like a person’s face is melting, or Spider-man looks like he weighs 300lbs……just my opinion but I don’t think his style works well for ASM. Overall this was a good issue, I kind of feel like this arc could have probably been shorter and the end was very predictable, but overall I am enjoying this arc.
I don’t see anything wrong with the art. It fits the story very well.
Sorry, but the art is great, the story is great and this book has been great since Brand New Day!
"And now my Octo-Tracer has given you all you need to know…" actual words from the book. How could I not love this.
That last page was just haunting, just damn.