Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 6.9%


changingshades05/30/09YesRead Review
BC105/29/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. I haven’t read much of Joe kelly’s work, but i’m excited to see what he does here.

  2. i’m excited to see jimnez teamed up with someone like kelly

  3. "Dark Reign Tie-In"? Fuck.

  4. @BrianBaer

    Glad to see I’m not the only one sick of Dark Reign… and I’m only reading 3 Marvel books 

  5. Well if DA was going to cross into any book, this and iron man are the most obvious choices

  6. Yeah, Peter’s worst enemey is at the heart of Dark Riegn. It would be kind of silly if it didn’t cross over here.


    This isn’t the first time, there has already been another Dark Reign crossover arc.

  7. @Conor

     Exactly, I am surprised it took this long for them to tie it in. Makes perfect sense. Looking back at 24/7 it was kind of a waste, but ASM is consistently outstanding so this should be fun

  8. I think, if anything, it’s better that ASM is crossing over into Dark Reign, as for a while, I was afraid that Spider-Man was starting to exist on the fringe of the universe in a similar fashion to the X-Men. I’m usually not a fan of cross-overs that don’t need to happen, but this one definitely does. Plus, as Connor said, Norman Osborn running America and Spider-Man not doing anything about it would be quite silly.

    I’m very excited for this issue as Joe Kelly is one of my favorite writers right now. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

  9. What constitutes a tie-in?  Yeah, they slap the ‘Dark Reign’ logo on it but it’s just the Marvel U right now.  There’s no Event book to follow and yes there are limited series but nothing essential.  I like that so many books are being part of the main continuity.  And Spidey vs. Osborn has never been like this!  I’m very excited.

  10. Dude, Andy Lanning inks everything!

  11. Marvel’s biggest character is Spiderman.  It only makes sense that since his greatest enemy is omnipresent in every other Marvel book, he’d eventually come back to ASM.  When Dark Reign ends, who else would you expect to bring down Norman?  Gotta be Spidey.  Time to ratchet up the tension a little higher. 

  12. I really like DR. I guess i just like big universe stuff. I like when everything is somehow related. And Osborn running everything is a cool twist. I just hope the next ‘event’ or whatever you want to call DR, will have as good of a foundation as DR has.

  13. Yeah, I agree with Fvckstick. DR has been kicking loads of ass. I haven’t read every tie-in, but I do happen to subscribe to most of the books anyway, and the mini-series have been really good. Ms. Marvel particularly has been kicking ass.

  14. "…it’s time to take down Norman Osborn."

    That would be nice. Not likely, but nice.

    That’s not a DR complaint, by the way. I’ve been enjoying the status quo emensely, especially in Iron Man and Punisher (which is kicking all sorts of ass; suck it, MAX-only fans 😛 ).

  15. I don’t see what’s so wrong with a title not tying into the regular universe. I thought that’s why everybody likes Daredevil and Captain America. God knows that’s why I do.

  16. Atleast this tie-in makes sense. I am getting tired of EVERY Dark Reign issue being about taking Norman Osborn down. Eventually somebody would have succeded by now. Unles we are going with the Batman excuse that he is ready for everything.


    The reason DD and Captain America work being set kind of outside of the shared universe is because they are the only books that really do it. If too many books do that then there is no longer a point in having a shared universe.

  17. @BianBaer: I’d argue that Spider-Man is a more central character in the universe than Daredevil, and possibly more than Captain America (that’s debatable, but then there’s the fact that Captain America gets a bigger, more involved role in the Avengers, so he’s already present in the U anyway). Especially with Norman Osborn being at the front of everything, Spider-Man needs to be tied in to the 616.

  18. But Spider-Man is on the Avengers, too. Can’t these sorts of things be covered in the Bendis titles?

    Or should I just drop it at this point? Haha.

  19. I don’t understand what dark reign has to do with this being a good or bad issue?  read it first before making any judgements

  20. @BrianBaer

    The Bendis titles do deal with the MArvel U as a whole. But Norman began as a Spidey villain. I mean he killed his first true love. Peter is also best friends with his son. With this much storytelling possibility I would argue that Dark Reign belongs in Spider-man even more than it does ANY other Marvel book.

    Also, with team books like the Avengers titles, other than a spotlight issue here and there, you have to focus on multiple characters in order to keep it a true team book. This story is too big for some Avengers one offs and too personal too include more of the Avengers characters.

    That’s just my opinion though. I think slapping the Dark Reign banner on any and every book is a waste and I still can’t logically believe that Norman would be allowed to take over the country because of one shot to the head. BUT, this is the one place Dark Reign absolutely HAS to make an impact.

  21. At least ASM is still going to follow Peter.  It could have gone the Wolverine route and started following Gargan instead.  I’m more interested in what "American Son" is a reference to.  My bet is that Norman offers Flash Thompson some kind of Faustian bargain- new legs in exchange for an indefinite term of service.  Or he somehow gets Harry back into evil mode.  I put money on the first one.

  22. Oh wow… yet another Spidey vs. Green goblin fight. HOW ORIGINAL! It’s only happened like what? 19 times? Guess 20th match is the charm this week. *sigh* I used to really like Spider-man too…

  23. @mangaman. I think you are really on your own there. Thats like saying "it sucks that batman is fighting the joker again" or "stupid red skull vs Cap again, I hate that" The characters are at least in part defined by their arch nemises.

  24. Just out of curiosity, how does this book have an "average rating" of 6.7 on a scale of 1-to-5?  Either there’s a glitch, or someboy is cooking the numbers.

  25. @nacho

    I’ve noticed that for some reason early on Wednesdays, or in this case Thursday, that the ratings can be up to 10.  Not sure why, but if you give it some time to gather a few more ratings it seems to fix itself.

  26. Fuck Joe Kelly can write

  27. Fun again.  Anyone know when the next extra one shot comes out?  is that a 5th week deal?  Love those well worth 3.99

  28. @cutty
    Agreed. His writing is solely why I gave this a 5 when I felt the art was a bit lacking.
    I’m really liking the friendship developing between Spidey & Wolvie, ‘specially after Spider-man Extra #2.

  29. I picked this up to see what all the recent hype was about, but unfortunately don’t think I’ll be sticking around, at least for this arc. I know many people like or don’t mind the references to current-day celebrities and political leaders, but it doesn’t work for me and takes me right out of the story. Also, I’m just not that interested in the Dark Reign aspect of the story and am not reading any other mainstream Marvel books. I can see why others like this but it’s not for me. Perhaps I’ll try again when Marcos Martin is on art duties again or when Slott or Waid are writing.

  30. WOW. just finished. This issue makes me sooooooooo excited for the rest of Kelly’s run. What awesome writing. easy 5/5. The art did lack in spots, but not anything that ruined the story telling. The biggest bummer for me was the solicit for Cap 600 with what i’m assuming is the female bucky on it…very weary of the character. Awesome ish!! I really want Kelly to write deadpool now after reading this.

  31. Just finished this issue, and it’s a stellar 4/5. The writing was really spot-on, but I felt the art was a bit lacking.

    Does Norman know that Peter is Spider-Man?

  32. @kwisdumb
    No. If I recall correctly, in a rather conveluted moment, Osborn thought to himself about how he knew who Spidey was, but couldn’t remember during the New Ways To Die arc (wouldn’t that make him flip the fuck out like Johnny Storm did, but much worse since he’s all evil and whatnot?.

    Ugh, as much as I try to avoid thinking about it, One More Day will always be an asterisk and a black eye on the new Spider-man era.

  33. My only gripe is the inks on Jimenez’s pencils. A little too heavy.

    Other than that it’s aces.

  34. on the re-read i have a complaint. I hate that Menace was drawn to look like a girl now that we know it was Lilly. For some reason that really urked me.

  35. Did Jimenez forget how to draw? Is it the colouring? The inking? Joe Kelly is writing the bejesus out of this book, but the art was boarderline unacceptable.

  36. @ Fvckstick
    Would you prefer the sheer man-ishness of issue 586 from the ‘Character Assasination’ arc?

    Uch, that was bad.

  37. Wow just read this. Friggin awesome stuff. The art didnt bother me at all. Seemed solid to my eye. And the stories off to a great start

  38. @ Paradiddle ya I dont realy think this is a good jumping on point

  39. regarding her looking all lady-like: isn’t she permanently bonded with the serum now?  Instead of taking the serum to change? I guess could effect the look of her as Menace.

    Also, I believe that in New Ways to Die Norman remembered Parker was connect to Spider-Man but couldn’t remember how closely connected he actually was.

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