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Name: nacho bidness


nacho's Recent Comments
June 21, 2010 10:38 am "Shed" was abysmal.  It started boring, and went downhill.  I normally don't like this artist, but on Spider-Man, he's not that bad, far better than his work on X-Men.  Still, this was a serious filler arc.  The lizard talked to himself in gibberish for FOUR FREAKIN' ISSUE.  Then everyone went their separate ways.  Wow, what a great story (rolls eyes).  Ugh.
May 20, 2010 4:02 pm Personally, I applaud the decision to leave those out.  Legacy is really a sidenote title at this point, and nothing could make me run from this book faster than if they soiled it with a bunch of deadpool issues.
March 29, 2010 1:58 pm I can't believe that this book is getting so little attention.  The sales numbers are very low.  However, anyone that's read any issue of it knows that's it's a great ride, by far one of my favorite comics of the year thusfar.
May 28, 2009 11:54 am Just out of curiosity, how does this book have an "average rating" of 6.7 on a scale of 1-to-5?  Either there's a glitch, or someboy is cooking the numbers.
August 24, 2008 9:08 pm

This was the worst excuse for a Spidey comic I've ever read.  I have every issue since 1975, and I consider dropping this every month.  I keep thinking "It HAS to get better" but it never does.  The reviewer makes valid points, and the plot in general was just bad.  The art was mediocre at best.  Marvel fed us the line that omd was done so that they could tell better stories.  Where the hell are THOSE stories.  I can't possibly imagine that they made us suffer through OMD just so they could tell this?!

April 6, 2008 12:03 am

Does it really count as an X-Men book if there are no X-Men in it?  I can't begin to describe how boring this issue was.  I can only say that it was no more boring than the previous one.

I'm an x-junkie, but the new direction in this title is not good.  I'm not paying $3 a month to watch Xavier stroll down memory lane.  And these villians are pretty hollow 2-dimensional backdrops.  It's all just a setup so X and Magnus can buddy up?  Seriously?!

As good as the other main x-books are, this is suddenly the worst.

March 17, 2008 6:07 pm Agreed.  They keep trying to give us the "lovable loser" spider-man, when Spidey has been a very capable and intelligent super hero for years, married or not.  I'm to the point that I WANT spidey to be a skrull so that this guy will go away and the "real" Peter will come back.  This book should be retitled the Amazingly Inept Spider-Man.  The guy in this books isn't smart enough to invent web fluid, much less be a genius-level student, scientist, teacher, ace photographer, Avenger, etc.  When they erased his marrage, did they also erase his common sense?  15 year-old Ultimate Spidey is far more capable than this imposter.  I didn't particularly like OMD, but that's not why I dislike the current story.  BND stinks all by itself without any help from any lingering negative OMD feelings.
March 15, 2008 11:00 pm Wow, I found myself wishing for this issue to end.  I was actually disappointed with each page turn that I didn't see the last page.  If I hadn't already preordered the next couple of months via DCBS, I'd seriously stop reading OMD right now...  The plot feels like I've seen this issue 50 times before.  The villain is a little more gross, but this arc has nothing that we were promised with OMD.  There is no soap opera; there is no girl touble; there isn't much action.  Nothing in this issue made me care if the next one ever ships.  Ohhhhh, the drama of whether or not the politician introduced two weeks ago lives or dies... I'm on the edge of my seat... not.  Just Pete whining about his camera, costume, and reputation.  zzzzzzz.  As you can tell, I'm not exactly liking this arc :)