Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


Random03/07/08NoRead Review


  1. i dropped this book a while ago, but i’m excited to see what what remender can do with this title

  2. Yeah, I’m totally excited for this, I had to special order it, because my store doesn’t get "kid stuff"

  3. Sad to see Gail Simone leave the book. She brought a great sense of humor to the title. But Remender can do this crazy sci-fi shit as well as anyone can. I am really excited for this.

    Both Blue Beetle and The Atom have flown under the radar last year. Off beat books with fresh heroes in their own little pocket of the DCU. I liked that.

  4. I miss Mike Norton’s great art

  5. Eh…kind of a chore to get through. If it hadn’t been for Ollife’s art I might not have even finished the issue. Probably won’t be back next issue.

  6. OK, I didn’t hate this, but I’m not sure I like the direction Remender is taking the book.  It felt like a whole different book withouth Simone and Norton.  Well, that is to say the art was still nice, but the tone was completely different.  There was virtually no humor.  The voices of the characters were somewhat off form what they used to be.  If it continues this way, I’m not sure if I will stay on board.  I’ll see what next issue brings.

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