Comic Books
Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 27.0%
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Ilash | 05/10/08 | Yes | Read Review |
viewaskew117 | 05/09/08 | No | Read Review |
Neb | 05/07/08 | No | Read Review |
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HOLY SWEET ZOMBIE JEEZUS!! This is actually shipping this week? I’ll have to go track down the other issues so that I know what the hell is happening in this story. Something about Terrence Stamp and a kid? I don’t know…
I cannot, in good conscience, buy this.
When was this supposed to come out originally? I’m in there in spite of the lateness. The first few issues of this were pretty cool, in spite of Chris Kent.
Well, this should have been in ACTION #851 (I believe; the 3D #850 WAS the last issue of this story we got, right?) and ACTION #864 came out a few weeks ago…so that’s just over a year since the "last" issue came out. Plus, all the issues of this arc were extremely late as well…
@ Conor-Just out of curiosity, have you also made this stand against other similarly late books like ALL-STAR BATMAN, PLANETARY, ULTIMATES, etc? (if you even read any of those?)
I’m so on the fence with this one. I want to know what happens (kinda), I know that Johns writing is superb and Kubert art is really nice to look at. But 5 bucks for a comic that was supposed to come out OVER A YEAR AGO is a tough sell for me…
Wow, they are finally iving us the conclusion to this? It’s hard to remember where the story is at, it’s been so long since the last part of the story …
Well, I’ll buy it. I feel its kinda silly to to not buy it out of principle because its not like the industry isnt aware of problems like this. I’m sure those Kubert kids were canned from their respective books because of this, that is all we can really expect after the fact.
Im not gonna penalize DC b/c Kubert couldn’t keep to schedule. This storyline was a lot of fun so far, I gotta see how it ends!
I’m looking forward to it, haters be damned!
THe real question is…is it in 3D???
Ah yes! I remember when this story started… ok not really cuz it was forever ago!
Nonetheless, I can’t wait to read this one! I think this will be worth the cover price.
@MikeFarley – Yeah, I dropped ALL STAR BATMAN & ROBIN for that reason and I never bought the final issue of THE ULTIMATES VOL. 2 either. But I will buy the final issue of PLANETARY, should it ever come out. But I put up with delays for ALL STAR SUPERMAN and ASTONISHING X-MEN because I’m a hypocrite.
So, I went back and re-read the issues from this series, and it is really kick ass. I mean, I don’t remember it being this good, probably because of the incessant delays it experienced. But damn, this is a great storyline, and the 10th Annual is a joy to read. I’m really looking forward to this issue now, and, frankly, the HC collection that will soon follow.
@Conor – Pretty much the same way myself. I dropped PLANETARY because of the delays. If Ellis can’t be troubled enough to care about putting out the book, why should I buy it? But I just can’t manage to quit ASTONISHING X-MEN.
I dropped ALL-STAR BATMAN because it contained way too much crazy for me.
I’m on the fence about the ACTION ANNUAL though. Guess I’ll flip through it at the store and see what whim strikes me.
I think this story started before I began reading DC? Can anyone catch me up to what it’s about, or tell me what issues are the first parts?
@HBD – The original parts of this story were found in ACTION COMICS #844-846, 851
Also, Action Comics Annual #10 was designed like an old Silver Age Giant and included a tie-in story titled "The Criminals of Krypton" which if memory serves me, gives some origin to Zod and Non.
So chris kent is lost at the end but is in other continuity? Did I miss when they yanked his ass back out of the phantom zone or does this issue take place after all of that?
Damn lateness.
Over all it was pretty badass though and were left with a phantom zone full of angry douche nozzles. You can’t go wrong with that.
wth? Spoilers, if you care….
So at the end Chris Kent is yanked back into the phantom zone, seemingly lost forever. So where the hell does this fit in? Does the finale of this story come before the Bizarro World and Legion stories? Where the hell does Busiek’s run which prominently features Chris Kent fit in? Were all of those stories supposed to fit inbetween issues of this storyline? Or is there another story coming that explains how Chris Kent made it out and is alive and well in current continuity.
I wouldn’t care either way, but is it too much to ask that DC let me know what the hell is going on? I’m so frustrated.
I’m so glad he was yanked into the Phantom Zone, I can dismiss any continutity snafus as long as he STAYS THERE!
Continuity, release date, and the $5 tag aside, I was happy with this book. The story was strong and the characterizations were classic. The pacing and the art combined to make this a satisfying read.
The color work was excellent. Using muted tones to bring down the back ground and more vivid color work on the figures helped in presenting the story and is a prime example of how computer coloring should be done.
Kubert spent too much time on accurately depicting the inanimate objects in this book. Don’t get me wrong, the figure work was expressive and dynamic. The interplay between Luthor and Superman in early panels was some of the best human interaction, Gil Kane and Joe Kubert aside, that I can recall having seen. But the soft, sketchy figure style clashed with the almost photographic geometrical background work. If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect that two different artists worked on this… or that there were deadline issues.
@TomO – Add it to the list of continuity errors at DC!
I thought the art was exellent in this issue, really nice splash pages & painted art … but the story just didn’t have much impact on me, because I read all the Superman books, & so much has happened since we got the last issue of this story, I just had forgotten what was going on.
I’m with you guys about Chris Kent — confused where it all fits into recent continuity.
All around I thought this was a great story, also not sure where it fits with recent continuity, but really don’t care. It was a good read.
I love the last splash page inside the daily planet, there are some cool little details. The batman coffee cup on Clark’s desk. The cover of the Daily Planet Lois is reading, has a picture of Lex Luthor that looks remarkably like Gene Hackman. The DC Comics website displayed on the laptop infront of Perry. And the notepad infront of Perry reminding him to call J.J.J. (over at the Bugle?)