Comic Books
Earth has fallen.
The multiple Doomsdays have defeated Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, and the Eradicator.
Now it all comes down to a weakened Superman versus the monster known as Doomslayer in this, the epic finale of “Reign of the Doomsdays”!
Written by PAUL CORNELLArt and cover by KENNETH ROCAFORT
Variant cover by JERRY ORDWAY
Price: $2.99
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Pretty much bored to tears with the story but I have to admit I’ve quite enjoyed the art on this. Cant wait for this to be over though and have Morrison rock my face off with the relaunch.
It’s sad that the last of issue Action Comic is subject to such editorial horseshit. It is sad that they give credit to Cornell for this crap. Pathetic.
I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who thinks this doomsday arc has been O.K. Then again, Return of Superman was one of my first superman stories, so I’m a bit biased.
Oh, man. It’d be one hell of a twist of Superman bit it in this issue, right before the New 52. He’s getting rebooted anyway. Why not have fun with this issue?
The final Superman book before the reboot and it had more of a season finale episode than a series ender. I have really enjoyed the storyline over the last year with The Black Ring and the Doomsday storyline. One of the few superhero books that wasn’t trying to “say” something. Just people in tights beating up other people in tights, oh and Lex Luthor is bad. Kind of like the simplicity. Hate that is all ending this way, but at least MY Lois and Clark got a happily ever after…
The issue overall was muddled (I still don’t understand what exactly was going on with the Doomslayer), but it was worth it for the epilogue with Clark and Lois. I’m going to miss their marriage . . .
Goodbye (Vol 1) Action Comics. 1938-2011
Doomsday stuff continued to be terrible, confusing and boring, but the last 4 pages between Lois and Clark were fantastic.