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Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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JoseRivera83 | 10/15/09 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.6
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what are your throughts kids? still good? I think it’s lost a little steam
I really hate Nightwing and Flamebird.
have to agree
I’m still in.
not about hating nightwing and flamebird i mean the book losing steam
Personally, I love Nightwing and Flamebird. So I’m definitely still in.
I haven’t cared for this book, but I love Supergirl. Sterling Gates’ name on the cover is enough for me to hand over my $4.
I love Nightwing and Flamebird also. Still good.
I do really like the characters, but it has lost steam. I blame the crossovers.
It’s a lost a little bit of steam, but I’m still looking forward to it. Reaction FTW!
In the Captain Atom back-up, is the Soldier woman Natasha Irons?
i get the feeling this title is always a little rushed. The final product never seems well polished
The inclusion if pere perez adds something special. Rucka always seems to have a hard time synching up with an artist.
I like it but I prefer the Mon-El stories in Superman. What I want to see come out of this is a collection of the classic Clark and Jimmy Olsen Flamebird and Nightwing stories by Curt Swan. Those were ALWAYS a fave of mine as a kid. I’m not sure how many stories there were though and if there are even enough to fill a decent collection. But if they put something together I’m buying it!!!
@Hawkboy According to DC’s website, they’re coming out with a collection of those stories next week.
I thought this was pretty good. I’m glad we’re seeing Captain Atom finally beginning to connect with the rest of the Superman world. Things are getting interestinger.
@rustypanys SWEEEEETTTT!!! How did I miss this???? Thank you!
As god as my witness I have no idea how I got Rustypanys out of Rustyautoparts.
@Hawkboy Don’t worry, butchering my name seems to be a running theme around here.
I liked this issue. Probably the strongest issue of Action in a while. And the back-up was solid as well. 4/5 for me. Leagues better than last week’s WoNK.
this wasn’t good