Snow, Jakita and the Drummer take on their nemeses the Four…then death itself! PLANETARY reaches its conclusion as the field team made a mad decision regarding an old friend.

The Absolute Edition Book Two collects issues #13-27 of the stunning series.

Written by Warren Ellis
Art and cover by John Cassaday

Price: $75.00
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.2%


  1. This series is everything I love.

  2. I’ve only read the first three trades in this series.

    I’m really excited to read the whole series in Absolute format.

    Just got the first Absolute today!

  3. I had only read the first trade when I bought the first one last week. I got this one this week for a discounted price from my shop because the slip cover is pushed in a little on the bottom. I didn’t even care but they did it anyway, so awesome on them. I cannot wait to finish the series. I admit though that these are pretty slim on special features, which is disappointing,  and the retail price tag is pretty high.

  4. Should buy from Amazon.

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