“What causes terrorism?”

After his fianc

Written by JAY CANTOR
Art and Cover by JAMES ROMBERGER

Price: $24.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. Anybody who gets this, please let me know if there is “mature content” in this book. I realize thematically the topic is itself “mature”, but I’m more concerned about language, nudity and graphic violence.  

    I’m considering getting this for some of the 5th graders in my class to read, but want to make sure it’s appropriate.  Please post your opinion.


  2. You should smartly buy it for yourself off Amazon and at least you will have a good read.  BTW, defining inappropriate is about like defining normal.  The question isn’t “if” it’s inappropriate.  The question is, “In how many unfathomably incalculable ways will it be deemed inappropriate, by small minded, hypocritical, special needs, hyper-sensitive, ultra-milquetoast, sue happy, unrealistic, too much time on their hands, parents?”  

    Your kids will lose out beacuse all schools, save private ones,  are terrified of being sued by the vociferous minority of parents who are, sadly for the majority, calling the shots.   God save you and the children.

  3. Really looking forward to this!

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