Article Archive

Center for Disease Control Releases Zombie Preparedness Guide

I guess they’re trying to prevent being blowed up.

John Layman Predicts Future in Future Issue of CHEW

I knew he was good, but I didn’t know he was precognitive.

Yet More Uncanny X-SCIENCE

In which Ryan continues to pontificate of speculative mutant biology (with sexy results).

Comic Experiment Continued: Can the panels alone tell the story?

Science relies on repetition.

Comic Experiment: Can the panels alone tell the story?

In which one man attempts the impossible! (Or at the very least the inconvenient.)

The Mutant Paradox: On the (Sympatric) Origin of the Species

Wherein Ryan defends a position from yesterday’s Top 5 post.

Top 5: Comic Book Half-Humans

As much as we might not like to think so, “mudblood” is still a dirty word.

Being Perfectly Clear: How extra information can enhance the comic experience

Or how to increase sales by telling the reader to buy other books… sort of.

VIDEO: THOR movie promo uses littlest Asgardian to mock the littlest Sith

Have at wee!

SCIENCE used for the Right Stuff: T-Minus, The Race to the Moon

Last one there’s a rotten country!