Article Archive

SDCC 2011: Unveiling ‘Avengers’ Movie Posters

Soon to adorn your bedroom wall!

SDCC 2011: Villain revealed for ‘Wolverine’ Movie Sequel

Spoilers and such

Super Soldier SCIENCE: Fact vs. Fiction

We want YOU! (to determine what’s plausible and what isn’t)

Problems of an Alien Nature

Earth, extraterrestrials, and our place in the universe.

Superhero Science Guidance Conselor: Telling People with Powers what to Study

A self-indulgent look at what a person with powers could accomplish for SCIENCE!

REVIEW: Save Yourself, Mammal! – An SMBC Collection

Because how else can you know if something you can get for free is worth paying for?

Comic Pet Peeves… of SCIENCE: Doctors without Labels

Wherein a paleontologist has a few bones to pick.

Earth Options for Multicolored Corps: Animals, Sentience and Other Rings

Get your mirrors and paintbrushes ready!

VIDEO: Batman vs. Wolverine (in French!)

Because after all, noir is a French word.

The REAL Reason Professor X Went Bald: A Scientific Analysis

It has to do with Magneto’s helmet… sort of.