Win a copy of Draw Star Wars: The Clone Wars

iFanboy members will be eligible to win one of five copies of Draw Star Wars: The Clone Wars from Klutz and Bonnie Burton.  One of the copies will be signed by author Bonnie Burton.  Find out more about the book here.  It teaches how to draw all sorts of characters from The Clone Wars, and includes double-tipped colored pencils, a black marker, and an eraser.  It’s good for kids, but let’s face it, we imagine there are some of you out there who could have some fun with this on your own.

You can also take part in the Klutz Challenge to draw the best bounty hunter, Cad Bane.  Details on that here.

The winners will be announced in two weeks on the iFanboy Pick of the Week Podcast episode #213, drawn randomly from iFanboy members.  If you want to become a member, here’s the place.


  1. I had a lot of fun with those Klutz drawing books/kits as a kid. Very cool. 

  2. I want someone to draw a cad version of DC’s Bane. Artists, to work!

  3. Ha, awesome. I haven’t gotten the chance to watch CLONE WARS yet, but I’ve heard good things.


    Thanks, guys!

  4. Love Klutz.

  5. That looks like fun.

  6. It took me ten years to give up on How to draw Comics the Marvel way. Time for a new project.

  7. the television show is very good. my kiddos and i enjoy it very much. he loves the clone troopers.

  8. Can I just have the eraser that says “Whoops!”?