Which Director Will Wield The Hammer of THOR 2?

After the blockbuster success of THOR just months ago, the news that director Kenneth Branagh wasn’t directing a second Thor film came as a bit of a shock. Despite Branagh’s absence, Marvel Studios has set a target release date for Thor 2 on July 26, 2013 and enlisted one of the first film’s screenwriters, Don Payne, to script the sequel. With the march to Thor 2 underway, identifying and securing a new director sooner rather than later must be a big concern for Marvel – and for fans.

With that in mind, we’ve short-listed a few potential candidates for the director’s chair. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Neil Marshall: He might be an outside choice by some, but Marshall has a great track record of writing and directing a string of sci-fi indie hits fromDog Soldiers to Descent, Doomsday and the recent Centurion. He’s never done a franchise film before, but given his chops for shooting special effects and getting good performances out of actors he could be just the man Marvel needs for a second Thor film.

D.J. Caruso: Although you might not realize it, Caruso has more than a passing familiarity with Thor; back in 2008 before Branagh signed on to the project, the I Am Number Four helmer was in talks with Marvel to take up the film. Now with the concept fully fleshed out, Caruso could come full circle and bring what he did in The Salton Sea, Disturbia and his episodes of The Shield to the fore.

Duncan Jones: He’s been short-listed by fans and studio-heads for numerous comic book films, but he’s yet to sign on the dotted line. After doing Moon and The Source Code he’s ready-made for a mainstream hit, and is in the same position that a young Jon Favreau was before he broke through with the original IronMan.

Matthew Reeves: Reeves knows a lot about working in someone’s shadow; although he directed Cloverfield, the publicity centered more on producer J.J. Abrams than his work. And when he remade Let The Right One In as Let Me In he had to work out of the shadow of the original, and he did just that. He’s yet to nail down his next project, and the chance to do Thor 2 could provide him with the platform and the budget to really carve out a name for himself.

What do you think? Who should direct the second Thor film?


  1. I think it all matters on what route they want to take the sequel, either more cosmic or more viking/fantasy. I’d really like to see a Peter Jackson or Guillermo Del Toro take the helm, but i think those two may now be out the work-for-hire director category that tend to get these sorts of movies.

  2. I agree; depending on what environment the story will take place in, and the type of story should dictate who the director.

    I would love to see a story set all in asgard. lots of potential there.

  3. Centurion was great, I’d love to see Marshall get a shot at a big movie. Reeves would be a good fit too.

  4. Matt Reeves and Duncan Jones would both be very welcome choices.

  5. It doesn’t really matter. All Marvel movies have pretty muh the same authorial voice that overrides any director’s vision or individuality.

  6. I never thought about Reeves or Marshall but those are two great choices.

    Caruso not so much…..He’s gonna destroy Preacher and I don’t want him anywhere near comic films. 

  7. From that list, I have to root for Duncan Jones.  Fingers crossed.

  8. I would pick Werner Herzog personally.

    Odin: The Wrath of God.

  9. Marshall tends to use the shaky-cam technique for his action scenes and I’d rather not see that.

  10. JULIE TAYMOR.  I know this is not going to go over well with comic fans after the Broadway debacle, but that project aside, I think she’s the obvious successor to Branagh.  Look at Titus and The Tempest!  Titus even has Odin in it!  Across the Universe shows what she could do for the Earth bound parts as well.  Take out the music and the love story is still much stronger than the one in Thor.