User Reviews Are Back to the Grind

Appointments and tasks are starting up already, and I’m still loagy from too much candy from my stocking. But, there’s work to be done. Let’s get to it.


Tork reviewed Incognito #1 with a hell of a lot more gusto than we did on the podcast. Hopefully, his viewpoint bears out over the course of the series. 

Story: 5 / Art: 5

As always, Brubaker and Philips knock it out of the park. If the Bru knows how to do anything, it’s how to write interestingly flawed characters with conflicting moral fibers. You can see the frustration and cynicism of Zack in regards to his current life as clear as day. You can see how trapped he feels in his everyday life and how much he hates it. Still, Zack seems to have some sort of ember of humanity within him or he wouldn’t have gone into Witness Protection in the first place.


jjellets appreciates the growing greatness of Abnett and Lanning with the start of War of Kings in Guardians of the Galaxy #8

Story: 5  / Art: 5

Hats off to Abnet and Lanning! These guys can really tell a space opera. Both Nova and the Guardians of the Galaxy repeatedly rank near the top of my “must read” pile and the latest issue of the Guardians of the Galaxy is another great outing.


mrmister brings up some fine and valid criticisms of New Krypton and Superman #683

Story: 3 / Art: 4

The art and writing are both fine the biggest problem is that this is part 9 of a 10 part story and things don’t progress at an adequate pace in fact they barely progress at all. After nine issues we are still pretty much in the same place we were when we got started except there are a lot more characters thrown into the mix.


kthx thinks Batman Cacophony #2 is looking up from the previous issue. 

Story: 5 / Art: 4

Though the first issue got off to a rocky start, Kevin Smith writes a great Batman universe that’s dead in the middle between Paul Dini’s well scripted battles and one-liners, and Frank Miller’s crazies and deviants and grittyness. Though some of the banter and a few of the thoughtboxes read a bit more like somebody’s fanfiction, he does understand not just the basic bio of every character he’s using, but how they relate to one another.


Alright, we’ll see you all here early in the morning for mandatory staff meetings all month.  Please don’t be late.  Also, check in with the rest of the reviews in order to be up to date.  That will be all.


  1. I thought Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome, and I’m really looking foward to the War of the Kings storyline.  That promotional art with Black Bolt is awesome.

  2. I’m gald someone else is pointing out how medicore New Krypton is overall.

    I agree with mrmister on how even when we’re on the penultimate issue for NK, it feels like nothing has been accomplished overall. Of course, like it’s been advertised, that we need to pick up 5-6 Superman titles in order to get the true ending for New Krypton. I know you guys tell me that is always the case with comics, but damnit I am not gonna spend more money on lame titles like Adventure Comics or stick with Superman or Supergirl.

  3. I’m honestly enjoying the pacing of "New Krypton" a lot.  I feel like each subsequent issue has added something.  We saw more of Alura’s character in this than we had in the past plus, come on, the show down with the Justice-League-Society-Whatever was cool.


  4. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    People are complaining that New Krypton is moving too slow?  It’s flying by!  I love this event.   

  5. Thanks for showcasing my review guys, it helped brighten my day after another horrible day at work.

    About New Krypton, to me this cross-over has just been one big long set up piece. I’ll still be picking up Superman after the event, will probably give Supergirl an arc then see how I feel, and I’ll give Action Comics with Nightwing and Flamebird 2 or 3 issues to impress me.