‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ – S01E18 – “Out of Damage Control”

Damage Control! One of the best goofy concepts from the 1980s makes an appearance and apparently so does a tribute to its creator, the late Dwayne McDuffie.

Here’s how “Out of Damage Control” is described:

When Spider-Man and his fellow teenage super heroes cause too much damage in a super villain fight, Nick Fury assigns them to work with the super clean-up company Damage Control. While working with Damage Control, Spider-Man uncovers a villainous mystery.

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. It was so cool to see McDuffie cast as the leader of Damage Control.

  2. And John DiMaggio as the Wrecker, SWEET! I enjoyed this simple lil’ episode.

  3. What villains make up the wrecking crew? The Wrecker, the scoundrel w/ the crowbar? Goliath? Who is the juggernaut looking guy? and the ball and chain guy?

  4. cute, but predictable.

  5. where do the spider-man friends live?
    wish they did an episode with iceman, firestar, and the x-men.

  6. Thank DoKhou