Top Cow Shows Its MYSTERIOUS WAYS in July

Top Cow sent us this teaser image for their new title Mysterious Ways, of which we know very little so far. But have fun playing "name the killer."

I'd say it's a pretty haunting image that I can't quite stop looking at.


  1. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    The Bundy Bunch? 

  2. What a parade of human monsters.

    What does it say about me, that I can name 7 of them.

  3. Is that Bruce Spence from Road Warrior on the top right?

    Bruce Spence

  4. They left out Dennis Rader, BTK!

  5. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @AmirCat  That’d be Ed Gein. Proto-serial killer and grave robber. But close!

  6. Ed Gein, Son of Sam, John Wayne Gacey, Charles Manson, Edward Fish, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer.

    No Richard Ramirez?

  7. HH Holmes!

  8. Ted Bundy really looks like Joaquin Phoenix to me in his pic.

  9. I think its Albert Not Edward…I think

  10. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    It’s Albert. 

  11. Damn, that’s one image to catch your attention.

  12. I thought that was a pic of comic book writers and I didnt know any of them. My bad.

  13. With that smile, I can see the Son of Sam playing the Joker, after shedding a few pounds, of course.

  14. Nasty.

  15. I haven’t bought a top cow title since the 90s, but this looks intriguing.

  16. who is the upper left and bottom center image?
    Otherwise, top left to bottom right: ?, Manson, Gein, Fish, Gacy, Berkowitz, Bundy, ?, Dahmer.