The Onion Does Comics

As one might imagine, as a humor sight run by geeks, The Onion often highlights comic book creators in their AV Club section. This week they’ve outdone themselves.

They’ve got an interview with Brian K. Vaughn.

They’ve also got an interview with Geoff Johns.

And finally, they’ve got a short summary of this year’s San Diego-Con.

We here at iFanboy don’t like to talk about this year’s San Diego-Con, because we’re still depressed that for the first time in five years, none of us went.


  1. I have decided to give the Vaughan interview a postive review, although, I wish they would have asked, as they never ever do, how he got started working in comics. It’s the one question I always want the answer to, yet never get.

  2. The new Frank Miller interview in Suicide Girls is pretty cool. Plus, there are naked girls.

    There’s also a really neat interview with Robert Kirkman on that site.

    I think the interviews are in the free section.