The Best of the Week in Panels – 07.27.2011

Conor and Josh (and Paul) eat panels… on the internet.


FF #7

By Jonathan Hickman, Greg Tocchini, Paul Mounts, & Clayton Clowles

Let it not be said that Black Bolt, the King, is not big pimpin'. Plus that one lady seems to be a horse. And why doesn't Medusa have a problem with any of this? Play your game Boltagon!

— Josh Flanagan


DC Retroactive: Justice League of America – The '70s #1

By Cary Bates, Gordon Purcell, Jose Marzan JR., Caros Badilla, & Wes Abbott

Cary Bates is a mad genius.

— Conor Kilpatrick


Captain America & Bucky #620

By Ed Brubaker, Marc Andreyko, Chris Samnee, Bettie Breitweiser, & Joe Caramagna

I've been waiting my whole comic book reading life for this book.

— Conor Kilpatrick


American Vampire #17

By Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig, & Pat Brosseau

I love the powerful and evocative simplicity of this panel. In many ways, this is my favorite panel of the week.

— Conor Kilpatrick


The Cape #1

By Jason Ciaramella, Joe Hill, Zach Howard, Nelson Daniel, & Shawn Lee

I've had the "If you had superpowers…" conversation at plenty of sleepovers. This one never came up. Eric is one of the most repugnant lead characters in recent memory, but I'd be lying if I said he wasn't inventive.

— Paul Montgomery


Detective Comics #880

By Scott Snyder, Jock, Dave Baron, & Jared K. Fletcher

Screw you, Scott Snyder and Jock! I have not slept since Wednesday!

— Conor Kilpatrick


  1. AH! That panel in Detective Comics makes me double check my shower now. Damn you Jock!

    Also, to find anything good about FF #7 must have been a big stretch…..a BIG stretch. 

  2. damnit, i knew i shouldn’t have looked at this page. still have to get my comics!

  3. Rick and Shane cameo in Invincible #81 would be my pick.

  4. That is def Pimp Swagger in Black Bolt’s step-

  5. @zuper  – Yeah! Invincible had tons of cross overs. They had an Astounding Wolfman cross over too. The only thing that makes me sad is that it means one day Invincible will be a zombie.

  6. The “Silver Bastard” from Thor didn’t make it? best panel this week!

  7. That Detective panel is unsettling.  Very.

  8. That panel from Detective freaked me out, i thought for a second he had carved her face too…

  9. I have an original Rafael Albuquerque page from an old Superman/Batman, and I swear at one point a pissed-off Batman has the same irritated expression that Skinner Sweet always has. 

  10. Both Detective an The Cape had me going “Oh shit!” Awesome. 

  11. @HailScott 

    I have some of his art from Superman/Batman as well, your completely right. Never noticed it before.

  12. One of the best things about this site is that I am continually being educated on how to more fully enjoy the comicbook medium. I enjoyed American Vampire, as always, but I just glossed over that panel as I was reading. Having it singled out like this is really enlightening. Fantastic panel.

  13. Feeling Conor’s pics this week.   cap and bucky was sooooo good.  didn’t even know it was coming.  

    and dayum, that american vampire panel.   

  14. The horse-lady reminded me of Sweet Tooth. :/ still didn’t buy FF 7…

  15. Adam Strange looks like Flash Gordon in that panel.

  16. The American Vampire panel bothered me only because if he had just kicked in the door, his left foot would still be outside the door frame. But still, great panel.

    And that Detective panel . . . brrrr.

  17. @TheNextChampion 
    Yep, I was sticking with FF, but then this issue came along. Talk about shooting for epic and ending up with “wha’?”

  18. @WheelHands  Mayhap he jumped at the door, kicking it in with his right, and then landing on his left inside the room.  Yep…that’s it…Karate Vamps.