The Best of the Week in Panels – 03.09.2011

You were working as a waitress in a panels bar

When I met you.


Ultimate Spider-Man #155

By Brian MIchael Bendis, Chris Samnee, Justin Ponsor, & Cory Petit

The level of depth and detail in this panel that stretched across the top of two pages is just astounding by modern day standards. There's so much information conveyed in just the art.


Batman Incorporated #3

By Grant Morrison, Yanick Paquette, Michael Lacombe, Nathan Fairbairn, & Patrick Brosseau

Pro Tip: Never let new Sexy Time Batman dance with your extremely attractive Argentinean girlfriend.


Venom #1

By Rick Remender, Tony Moore, Crimelab Studios!, John Rauch, & Joe Caramagna

This might have been my favorite moment of the week and I'm annoyed that I didn't see it coming. You just know that after a blowhard spends a lot of time monologing about how great his armor is that he's going to get popped in the head.


Zatanna #10

By Paul Dini, Cliff Chiang, Pat Brosseau, & John Kausz

Paul Dini needs to cool it with the puppets because it's creeping me the fuck out.


Punisher Max #11

By Jason Aaron, Steve Dillon, Matt Hollingsworth, & Cory Petit

Oh, Jason Aaron…


Batman and Robin #21

By Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, Alex Sinclair, & Patrick Sinclair

I loves me a soaring full page splash. Special mention goes to Alex Sinclair and his incredibly evocative coloring of the sky.



  1. That Batman and Robin panel is just fantastic. That’s Patrick Gleason right?

  2. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @bigben2012  Correct. 

  3. Why is Tony Stark in Batman, Inc?

  4. That panel from Venom #1 was awesome. The Tony Stark’ed peace keepers getting their butts handed to them was good times. 

  5. just made the batman and robin panel my computer background

  6. that batman and robin panel is the jam, as soon as i saw it i was like “Yep, that’s a contender”

  7. Working in a newsroom, I made the Daily Bugle spread my background. That is gorgeous, despite (or maybe because) of the mundaneness of the moment. Good call.

  8. The Daily Bugle shot stood out to me, as well.

  9. I want a poster of that Batman and Robin shot immediately. Wow. 

  10. The one panel during the end of Punisher MAX disturbed me a bit. Didn’t need to see Castle push the nail in deeper in Bullseye’s brain but it was awesome but creepy.

    Also, I still love the expression Gleason drew on Damian as Dick was going on about pigeons. 

  11. I felt bad for Frank losing his finger.

    @ohcaroline  – oh caroline … I see what you did  there. :p

  12. I, again, thought the sledgehammer panel in PunisherMAX was absolutely insane. What a bloody issue.

  13. Is Mr. Dini going to need to go to therapy after this whole dummy arc?

    Cause that panel alone creeps me out. 

  14. My God, that Batman and Robin panel is STUNNING!

  15. @RoiVampire  

  16. The Iron Man-bot headshot really hit home with the intensity of the weapon that made the orange hole. If that was Tony he could have been done-zo!

  17. PunisherMAX…..oh what fun.

  18. i said samnee was wrong for ultimate spiderman in the book’s thread. it looks like i was the one who is wrong

  19. LOVE that Batman and Robin page! Punisher MAX had a lot of crazy stuff, I liked this one and the one with Frank and Bullseye back fo back before they started fighting and Bullseye was finishing his prayer.

  20. quality stuff, all

  21. My favorite comic AND panel of the week was Knight & Squire.

    The British Joker gets told he has cancer, says he has another trick up his sleeve, drops a smoke bomb in the doctor’s office, but isn’t fast enough to get out the door. The look on his face in the scene is just A+ First time in a long while I laughed out loud at a comic.

    The series has gotten better with every issue and this was the first one that was outwardly hilarious to me. Great stuff.

  22. That B&R should be a psoter..I’d buy it.

  23. That Batman And Robin is pretty sweet!

  24. @heylook  That book came out a month ago.

  25. WHAT REALLY? Man I’ve been behind for the past couple months but I could’ve sworn that was this week. How embarrassing.

  26. @heylook  It was Pick of the Week. We did a podcast about it.

  27. I am just in awe of the bit of light reflecting off both Batman and Robin there.

  28. @ohcaroline  Why was Bruce Campbell in Batman Inc?

  29. @josh  just keep rubbing it in until it stings.