WonderCon 2011: The Adventures of Robert Kirkman

You may have heard on the Twitter or through other sources that last week during WonderCon in San Francisco, we teamed up with our pals at Image Comics and Isotope Comics to organize a Walking Dead Zombie Bar Crawl through the streets of San Francisco. Needless to say, it was a blast. Tons of fans came out to meet Robert Kirkman, share a drink and have a great way to spend their Friday night at the convention.

What you may not have heard about was the wackiness that occurred at our first stop on the Bar Crawl. The night got kicked off in a way that could only happen in San Francisco, with an eyeopening performance of Sword Swallowing and Bizarre Clown Antics. The insanity of the evening has been captured and placed into fumetti comic glory by Dyami Serna, and is now available for you to view over at Isotope Comics website.

It was a night to remember and one that we’re pretty sure no one, including Robert Kikman, will forget. You can see more of Robert Kirkman on our upcoming video show about WonderCon next week. Until then…

BONUS: Relive the entire experience through photos from the event, also taken by Dyami Serna, courtesy of Isotope Comics


  1. Kirkman proved that night that he is human after all. His facial expressions during that whole thing was epic. I thought only a souless man could write crazy ass shit like The Walking Dead, I was dead wrong.

  2. Robert Kirkman was lovely, such a pleasure to talk to. In regards to the circus shenanigans, I do believe the exact thing I said was “I didn’t want to see that stuff once, never mind twice.” and yet here I am, flicking through the photos….What is wrong with us indeed haha.

  3. This is awesome!

    We need to get Kirkman on something for SD Comic Con. Already getting pumped for it

  4. The photos are intense! I now understand why everyone was so shaken up at Zeitgeist.

  5. I asked him at his Saturday afternoon signing how the bar crawl was.

    “It was good.”