TEASER: Spider-Man: “Do You Fear Tomorrow?”

No doubt a teaser for the fiscally prudent new mini series, "Spider-Man: Wallstreet-crawler," Marvel has released this enigmatic image. 

Or maybe it's a promotional image for some kind of stock ticker widget. 

The itsy-bitsy superpower crawled up the global spout. Down came the Dow and washed the Spider out? 


  1. I read comics so I do not have to think about this kind of stuff!

  2. I nominate Jason Wood to write the main w/ Stuclach on an 8 page backup to justify the $3.99 cut in my inelastic goods budget.

  3. “Spider-Man: Turn off the Utilities, Starting with the Electric”

  4. Does “Big Time” end with “Down Times?”

  5. Is this Mark Waid again? 

  6. Does Michael Douglas or Shia Labeouf cameo?

  7. i’m really intrigued by the top and bottom of the teaser. thats an odd symbol in the background

  8. I hear the script for “Lottery Ticket” was retooled for the “Spider-Man” reboot. 

    I think more people might take the winning ticket over the radioactive spider…

  9. <muttering to myself> “… please be the Ultimate Universe, please be the Ultimate Universe, please be the Ultimate Universe,…”

  10. Y’know, the last couple of months they’ve been running those white-on-black full pages quotes that all have to do with “fear,” if I’m not mistaken. Guessing this is maybe the first visual tease of whatever that super-secret next event is.

  11. I wasn’t as interested until I gave the picture closer insepction and actually read the T.V. screens. I wonder what this is all about? O_o

  12. I feel like I know that symbol on the top and bottom of the picture from somewhere but I can’t place it. Other than that… this ad does nothing for me.

    Though perhaps this is the long awaited arrival of Little Orphan Annie comics! “Do you fear tomorrow? SHE DOESN’T!” 😉

  13. Probably doesn’t actually mean anything, but the way Spidey’s drawn looks to me like it’s the Ultimate version.

  14. Like Peter Parker doesn’t have all this information at home on his Google Reader.

  15. There’s a new one up that has the same style but it features cyclops so it looks like this might be some kinda mini-series or something