Smallville – S06E08 – Static

I have to admit that I am still behind on Smallville. I’ve got them scattered between my DVR and um… some other piece of hardware in my apartment. I plan on catching up this weekend! I hope!

Tonight’s episode: “Static.”

The rumor about “Static” is that it features J’onn J’onzz, The Martian Manhunter.

Post your thoughts, reactions, show diaries, speculations, theories, etc. here.

If you have definitive spoilers (and you feel the need to share them), post them in links, not as text.

I’ve seen the preview and the still shots and it certainly looks like J’onn J’onzz. Funny, with all the talk about Green Arrow and the return of Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg this season, if true this guest appearance kinda slipped under the radar.

If it is J’onn and he’s not in the JLA episode, that will royally suck.


  1. Hey guys! Since this episode has not aired yet, I thought I would comment on how much better this season has been than last season. I was almost ready to quit watching, but everything has been really good so far. Does anyone else wish Lana had died in that episode last season, and Pa Kent could still be alive. I HATE LANA now! Her character always annoyed me, but now I despise it.
    Anyway, if Clark doesn’t f’n fly soon I’m gonna be pissed! He knows he can. I know anytime he did fly he was not under his own control, but he has seen several Kryptonians do it. He needs to grow a pair and try it.
    That picture of Martian Manhunter looks awesome, I can’t wait.

  2. Since this episode has not aired yet, I thought I would comment on how much better this season has been than last season. I was almost ready to quit watching, but everything has been really good so far.

    I agree. Just when this show seemed to be sputtering out this season has really kicked into high gear.

    Does anyone else wish Lana had died in that episode last season, and Pa Kent could still be alive.

    I do. I hate to say this because I used to love Lana but it woul dhave been better off if she had died. It’s at the point now where I groan internally at her storylines. She’s still nice to look at, though.

    As for Pa Kent, I think his dying was a really strong plot point. He *had* to die. Clark needed to be shaken up and thrust into adulthood. As long as his father was around he didn’t have to do anything. It served the story well. That one thing that Richard Donner understood and one thing they really botched, I think, with the comics.

    Anyway, if Clark doesn’t f’n fly soon I’m gonna be pissed!

    He’s not gonna fly. The producers even reiterated that point before the season started.

  3. Just watched the show. Yeah, this has been a great season so far. I want to add that Lionel has been pretty cool too. I don’t know how I feel to him sitting down the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Kent farm, but as long as we have Clark and Ollie at the same table, I think the silver ware will all be accounted for.

    I am also no buying evil Lana. She hasn’t been very appealing to me since the end of the second season.

    So the Oreo eating Mr. Mystery, that was Martian Manhunter? Cool. Is the cookie thing from the comics?

    I don’t know, Johnathan’s death was treated a little too much like Uncle Ben’s death. Superman is a different hero than Spider-man. He has different motivations for being a hero. I buy into the thinking that Superman believes people are basically good. He puts on the “S” suit to show people that the bad guys can be fought and beaten. I think Johnathan could have helped Clark along with developing that thinking. Jor-El wanted Clark to use his abilities to force the world into order. Johnathan could have counter-pointed with if you let people have a choice, they’ll probably choose to be decent towards each other. Only when people are pressured do they turn on each other. Clark/Superman could be a force to relieve the pressure.

  4. ^^^ Yeah, for years Martian Manhunter has been characterized as one of the few superheroes who absolutely loves Oreo cookies.

    Check it out:

  5. Yeah I agree Conor, I didn’t mean I wish Pa Kent was still around. I just meant that in that episode it was one or the other. Anyway, I agree that he needed to die for Clark to grow up. I think that may be what I’m enjoying about this season, that he is happy about his powers and happy to use them.

    I had forgotten that the producers said he would not fly. I really wish he would fly but I do understand why they do not want him to. It’s because a flying Superman is the typical idea that comes to people’s minds, and they want to tell a story of Clark before he becomes Superman, Right?

    Does anyone remember when Lana was a witch? Those were the days!

  6. Since I finally have a decent place to talk about Smallville stuff (thanks for that by the way) and because you brought up Lana’s witch days. One thing that bothered the heck out of me during that period was the episode they went to China. They found Kryptonite amongst artifacts from ancient China. Wha? Explain that to me. Wouldn’t Krypton have been, you know, whole during the time of ancient China?

    I still think Clark could have grown up without having one of his parents die. That is that other guy’s origin, not Superman’s. That guy from Gotham. What’s his name?

  7. This season has really stepped it up. They are really geeking us out with all the new JLAers they are introducing. I’m really looking forward to when they all get together in a few episodes from now. I also think the addition of Jimmy Olsen has also brought a new dynamic to the show. It gives Chloe a partner, which seems like a premonition of Clark and Lois’s future.

    Thanks God for tivo though, I can’t miss The Office either.

  8. The Lana Lex plot was just weak and boring. It was like reading an issue of USM.

  9. I am impressed with your ability to get in a shot at Bendis even in a discussion about a TV show!

  10. im good

  11. This season had generally been very, very good. I have especially liked the Green Arrow and Jimmy Olsen characters. But I’m also very tired of the Lana/Lex plotlines. They are both boring and unnecessary. The writers should focus more on the other characters – maybe even developing a new love interest for Clark.

  12. I agree, Clark needs to move on. I think it also holds Lana back from being developed further. Too many of her plot lines have to do with her relationship with Clark. She could be a lot more than the girl Clark pines for. Or the girl Clark is with. Or the girl Clark lost. Or the girl Clark hurt (emotionally, he isn’t Hank Pym).

  13. Clark is too much of a wuss on the show (when it comes to relationships).

  14. I thought he had a good thing going on with that teleportation chick, then they went and killed her off. *COU–GWEN STACY–GH*

    Did you hear something?

  15. Yeah no kidding about the teleporting chick. She was hot as hell and she could understand Clark’s situation. I agree that he should have another love interest that spans the entire season, who’s to say that he didn’t date someone else between Lana and Lois.(comic continuity-wise) J’onn looked pretty f’n sweet! Could anyone tell if he was green or was he a black guy? I couldn’t tell.

  16. Hey Conor

    I know what you mean about being behind. I had only seen a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica. I liked it but didn’t really know what was going on. Got a lot of it on some, um hard ware and wow. It’s a really good show!

  17. So I have a question, at the end of Idenity Criss there was a bit of dilog that went something like “With minor Chages to Superman, Batman, and Wonermans past, the world has been restored to normal”. So are they trying to incorprate the movies (Superman Returns, Batman Beguins, and the new Wonder Woman movie) and T.V.(smallville) into the Offical DCU or just parts of it in?

  18. So are they trying to incorprate the movies (Superman Returns, Batman Beguins, and the new Wonder Woman movie) and T.V.(smallville) into the Offical DCU or just parts of it in?

    Have you seen any instances where they’ve done that? (Besides Donner’s Action Comics which, I think, is a special case).

  19. didn’t they make it so the wayne’s killer was caught during the “new earth” sequence in infinite crisis? just like in batman begins?

  20. By the way, just caught the episode tonight, great to see J’onn

  21. Sometimes when you’re sick there are benefits.

    Yes, I had to deal with the breathing problems and intense headaches but it did allow me to stay home from work and watch a month’s worth of Smallville so now I’m all caught up!

    Just in time for there to be no new episode this week.

    Anyway, watching four episodes in a row allows for a new appreciation for certain elements of the show. For instance, whereas in the past (the past being before this morning) I was sick of Lex and Lana they now might be my favorite part of the show. I am really enjoying Lana’s immersion into Lex’s world of twisted morality. She is becoming his Evil Girl Friday and it’s a nice twist for a character that was really completely useless since they graduated high school. I think my favorite sequence from the shows I watched was the end of the Thanksgiving episode where they contrasted the Kent (extended) family dinner with all of its country warmth and big piles of food and soft lighting with the cold and sterile meal that Lex and Lana shared complete with the two of them at either end of a super long table. I love them now.

    As for the show itself, Green Arrow is obviously a tremendous creative shot in the arm the same way tha Lois was two seasons ago and Jimmy Olsen has been a great addition too.

    I’m curious if that’s the last we’ll see of J’onn J’onzz. I think the ending of the last episode could go either way in terms of him appearing again. I was a bit let down that he was barely in the episode and that his eyes glowed white in the show while they glowed red in the preview.

    One more observation. They need to end this show soon. Suspending my disbelief at these people supposedly being in their early 20s is getting harder and harder, ESPECIALLY now that I watch the show in HD. Some people fare better than others with the extra lines of resolution.