Happy Scott Pilgrim Day!

In 2004, Oni Press surprised us all with a little digest sized book about a 23 year old bass player in Toronto, and now the Harry Potter-like fervor is kicked up again with the release of Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe. But we’re no strangers to this Pilgrimage. If you’re curious, we’ve talked about O’Malley’s comic opus a great deal in the past, so for your convenience, here’s what we’ve got:

• Book of the Month: Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe (spoilers).

 Spoiler free reviews of Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 5: Scott Pilgrim vs. The Universe.

iFanboy #74 “Scott Pilgrim” talking about volumes 1-4.

Video Interview with Bryan Lee O’Malley from the 2008 Emerald City Comic Con (at 23:57).

Ron’s early take on Scott Pilgrim, Vol.1: Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life from the audio show (at 30:06).

 Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 4: Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together is reviewed on the Pick of the Week Podcast #107 (at 49:03).

That should get you through your never ending hunger for Scott Pilgrim material. We’ll have a talk about the new book on the audio show very soon. 


  1. Celebrate the goodness!

  2. You know there are some holidays that people just dont want to celebrate.

  3. @TNC-If your life had a face I would punch it in the balls.

    Happy Scott Pilgrim Day everyone!!  Celebrate it by being a lazy good-for-nothing 20-something!!

  4. @drakedangerz: Done and done! 🙂

  5. I hold this to be the quintessential Canadian novel.  In other words, fuck Margaret Atwood.  No other work of fiction has better captured my own life experiences to date. 

  6. @drake: That’s a little harsh

    All I did was comment on the unnessicary holiday of Biezputras Diena. I dont know why you want to punch me in the balls for that; I think we can all agree it’s a pointless holiday.

    What was this article about again? Oh right Scott Pilgrim, I dont mind it being Scott Pilgrim Day.

  7. @TNC-Just so you don’t go thinking I was being mean to you (today at least) I was actually just quoting a line from vol. 4.  I don’t actually want to punch you, or your life, in the balls.  I don’t want to go anywhere near them.

  8. @drake: Yeah nobody wants that…..not even me (puts lock on)

  9. i saw o’malley at the pit’s comic book club last night.  total douche.  very cocky.  i hate cocky writers.

  10. I’ve only read the first two volumes…need to catch up!

  11. just saw the guy this morning at the signing. long line. its good though.

  12. I was surprised by the shiny cover.  It’s trippy.  It looks great though.  Can’t wait to read it.

  13. The shiny cover is very nice isn’t it?

  14. I wouldn’t know, Josh. They were sold out at my store. Only knew it was coming out last week and forgot to call to reserve. D’oh!! Alas, I have to wait one more week… Silver lining: This week I had 11 books…next week, probably like 2.

  15. i read this and i was SO pumped to get the ONLY copy in my store. i devoured this and hten read all of them in order. i love the shiny cover

  16. I got to the store right when it opened, and already 3 people were buying it, AND ONLY IT!!!  My store typically doesn’t suffer from selling out right away though, so I was cool.

  17. Woah, shiny!!!  In my comic shop, there was one of these left on the rack next to a stack of about a hundred untouched secret warriors.  Yes!!!!

    ALso, listning to the old podcast, and hearing Josh mention Top Ten.  I know you talked about it briefly on the Alan Moore show, and Smax was in a vault ep, but will their be a top ten ep?  Or an ABC ep?  Also, has/will top ten be collected in Absolute?  God, that would be great! 

  18. I guess there could be an ABC show some day, but it’s probably unlikely.  We did an Alan Moore show early on, and we’ve talked about a bunch of them at one point or another, but I never say never.  Maybe an Alan Moore part 2 show will get done someday.

    I don’t think there was an Absolute Top 10.  There was one for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.  Three actually…

  19. @ Drake– I was catching up on Vols 3 and 4 and when Kim goes "I would punch your life in the face" I sat that there and went "This is the greatest line in the history of anything."

  20. I know about the absolute league, as volume two is sitting happily on my shelf…