Preview: SIX GUN GORILLA #3 Has Fled

Are you keeping up with Si Spurrier and Jeff Stokely’s Six Gun Gorilla from BOOM! Studios? Because it would be a damned shame if you weren’t. A damned shame. It’s half western, half sci-fi, with a touch of Hunger Games, and I think the gorilla part is pretty self explanatory. So to help you with your decision, we’d like to share this preview of issue #3, out next week.

Ramón Pérez covers don’t hurt either.


  1. I read many good reviews of this book only thing that holds me back from adding it to my pull list is my wallet. If I’m able and can find # 1 & 2 I’ll buy all three next week. It seems like a fun story so I hope it finds a larger readership.

  2. Just read issue #1 today and I’m fully in for the next 5 issues. I really hope this gets turned into an ongoing.

    • Thats my hope too. I hate buying mini series because of space issues and that its cheaper to read in trades especially in a contsined story, but this was on my radar hard and then I heard great things so Ive been reading it. Issues are just a better feeling for me. This world is crazy and unless it gets torn down in the series, there are lots of stories to be told about it and its people.

  3. This is a fantastic book! It sounds like another “everyone loves apes” book, but this one is pretty special.

  4. Josey Wales quote? I’m in.

  5. been on board and loving the ride.

  6. This comic book has the best of three worlds. Comics, Sci-fi, and the six-gun goodness of westerns! I’m on issue two, can’t wait for issue trey!