Preview: Celebrate 20 Years of Hedgehog Heroics with SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #7

Believe it or not, Sonic the Hedgehog has been a comics mainstay for two solid decades. Twenty years! And the fleet-footed erinaceinae has yet to miss a step in his pursuit of gold rings and chaos emeralds or his fight for freedom. Next week, Archie Comics celebrates with a collection of Sonic milestones, and given the sheer number of miles he’s clocked, there was a lot to pick from. But don’t wave that checkered flag just yet. Plenty more adventures still to come.


Celebrate 20 years of Sonic the Hedgehog Comics with this very special edition of the SONIC SUPER SPECIAL MAGAZINE! Join the party and grab yourself a front row seat to this collection of Sonic-comic firsts, greatest moments, and highlights from the longest-running video game-inspired comic book series in history! Over 100 pages of comics, news, and features, available for the first time in one place in this deluxe, magazine-sized, quarterly collection! Also featured is an exclusive interview with the longest-running artist still working on the Sonic comics today — inker Jim Amash! Plus an all-new foil-enhanced birthday-style cover penciled by the newest edition to the Sonic comic family – Lamar Wells!

Script & Art: Various
All-New Foil-enhanced Cover: Lamar Wells, Gary Martin, and Matt Herms
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: 5/1
128-page, full color comic
$9.99 US.

Now, how’s about a preview?


  1. The Sonic the Hedgehog comic is absurdly good, Ian Flynn is the unsung hero of true All Ages storytelling.

  2. JML ( says:

    Sonic played a way bigger role than I’d care to admit in getting me into comics. There was a period between issues 45 and 100 when it was just way, way better than it had any right to be. (Of course, I was like 9, so it might not have been as good as it seemed.)