Paper of Record Profiles Paul Levitz

DC Comics President and Publisher Paul Levitz is profiled in today’s The New York Times.

You need to register to read the story.

Some interesting tidbits:

• DC Comics didn’t have a marketing department until 1980.

• In 2005, the comic book industry generated about $250 million in sales from graphic novels and/or trade paperback collections.

• In the mid-1970s, Levitz estimates that there were only about 200 people working in the entire comics industry, as opposed to the 1,700 that worked for DC last year.


  1. This could go either way. It would be really interesting to say that this book came out and he was the real deal and did a great book, and garnered all sorts of respect. I would really like to see that.

    I don’t see that happening, but it would be nice.

    See how that was a twist on my regular cynicism?

  2. Do you mean the JSA story arc he’s writing? It seems like a standard fill-in to me.

    I’m curious as to why this warranted NYT coverage.

  3. I think it’s more like a “slice of life story” rather than a significant comic news story that would appeal to a broader audience.