New Spider-Man Movie Photos Indicate Spider-Man, Too, Can Run

MTV's Splash Page scooped what appears to be a spy photo (I imagine a Nikon Coolpix affixed by webbing to a traffic light) from the set of the upcoming Spider-Man flick. In addition to showing the controversial new costume in action, it also proves that Cap isn't the only Marvel hero capable of running on film. 

Speaking of film, hit the link for some closeups of Spidey's wrists. That aint a friendship bracelet, Sam. Them's a mechanical webshooter housing. Fans of radioactive mutations and the development of strange new orifices in your Peters Parker, take heart. He could still have an ovipositor tucked away in there. Freaks. 

Not sure if the silver trim on the feet of the costume are meant to be see in the final film as part of the costume's design or if they're simply additional support for the actor while hitting the pavement. If this were a Batman spy photo I'd posit something like "Killer Crocs." But well… 


  1. I wish the eyes were bigger but overall, in the words of Miley Cyrus, it’s pretty cool

  2. Is it me, or does this look nothing like the costume they’ve shown us already?

  3. I love the tiny eyes – they’re very much Steve Ditko.

    I’m betting those silver feet are support for the actor/stuntman.

  4. i read thats this is a less-detailed version of the costume designed for stunt shots

  5. @DC, HA!

  6. I hope the lenses aren’t red like that for reals.

    Other than that, I think the new costume is pretty cool and I’m with Conor on the tiny eyes. 

  7. Whoa, whoa, whoa. He’s sprinting WITHOUT the use of a guardrail? Seems like he’s just asking for trouble.

    I’m looking forward to seeing how this new costume looks on film. I like how bright the reds and blues are.

  8. The mechanical web shooters have renewed my hopes for an appearance by the Spider-Mobile.

  9. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @jmstump  I don’t think that’s the lens color or tint. It appears to be a reflection or cast of a red light, possibly from a police car. 

  10. Digging the added leg stripes, really love the sleeker look of this costume as a whole. Can’t wait for properly lit shots of the suit and mask in action!

  11. Looks kind of wierd. I’m all for streamling costumes for the movies, but this just looks a bit much. I hope the lens aren’t red. I don’t know, I’m getting less and less interested in this movie. Not just because of the photos, but I’ve just generally lost interest in Spider-Man, as I did with X-Men after Wolverine: Origins, but recently the pictures and information has gotten me excited once again.

  12. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    I am 135% sure the lenses aren’t red. It’s the light. It’s reflected on his chest as well. 

  13. I’m not a fan of the leg streak.

  14. Yeah, this looks like a stunt version of the costume. (Like the “Captain America costume airbrushed onto stunt pads for the motorcyclist.”) Still, looks cool. I’m still seeing a Spider-Man 2099 vibe here.

  15. I hate to admit it, but I really like the costume/mask.

  16. The costume was controversial? Guess I didn’t read enough to see people complaining. I thought It looked pretty good.

  17. @PraxJarvin  The 2099 outfit would be awesome!!!

    I don’t like the leg stripes!

  18. Not bad looking.  Very vibrant.

    I do echo the hopes that the silver booties will be erased in post, but it’s not a big deal.

  19. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @Bryce31  I actually wavered before settling on that modifier, thinking it might be redundant, given the item’s nature as comic book movie related. (There’s been some outcry, sure). 

  20. Sorry to break it to everyone but this isn’t from the movie. It is an actor escaping from the musical. RUN!

  21. @ThomasKaters  Wins.

  22. This image really looks computer generated to me.  Could it be that this isn’t a “photo” after all, but some sort of effects test, trying to get spidey’s movements right?

  23. @DC  haha, nice!

  24. @TemporalBeef  No, it’s a photo.

  25. I think this looks terrible, think his body is too lanky, and this is supposed to be a movie about the comic book character Spider-Man, right?  I don’t know what that looks like, I guess that’s Spider-Man, but I think that costume sucks, sorry.

  26. I like it. Those shoes are the new Nike Spidey Trainers.

  27. @Franktiger  Spider-Man is lanky.

  28. saw a photo somewhere else the other day of this same scene but with the follow camera cars and stuff. Crazy production. 

    I’m sure after they do post on it, it will look fine. 

  29. this makes me want to cry. I’m a republican dammit! I can’t handle this much change in just 2 photos. Why can’t they find a way to make his eye’s move with his emotions like in the books. Woe is me.

  30. I’m pretty sure this is just one of those guys on Hollywood Blvd chasing down a tourist for not tipping.

  31. Curse you Tom Katers for making that joke before me! lol So pumped for this movie I can not wait until a trailer is released, this coming summer’s san diego is going to be so EPIC!!!

  32. It’ll be awesome, don’t be wankers. Then again, that’s why the stereotype exists! Andrew is a great actor. It’ll be good. I welcome all attempts at it.

  33. I dont like the costume…THIS MOVIE WILL BE HORRIBLE!

  34. This photo looks really fake, like really bad CG.

  35. Seems I’m the only one in Ifanboy who dislikes this costume. But it’s just a production photo still, so I should reserve my judgment.

  36. @donks – Couldn’t agree more.  Who designed that thing, Reebok?  I wish they had gone with the Scarlet Spider hoodie costume…

  37. Pretty sure this is a stunt outfit. Not the finished product you’ll see in the film. Compare it to Garfield photo they released last week. It’s much brighter. Doesn’t fit the Twilight vibe they’re going for at all. 😉

  38. That it is 100 percent CGI, even look at the shadowing.

  39. He runs like a girl.

  40.  I’m not saying this is CGI, but that does look like a photoshop drop shadow.

  41. The slippers sort of underscore the fact that, in the comics, Pete’s essentially running around Manhattan kicking the shit out of people in his socks.

  42. Spider-Man needs to protect his feet from the broken crack vials that litter the streets of NY.  Adamantium slippers.

  43. Spider-Man should wear Aqua Sox.

  44. Is amusing how some people think is a CG image.  It is clearly a picture.  I have no problems with the look of it.  The suit looks like he could get it from a sport store or something.  Nothing the highschool boy could made (except for the upgrades). 

    I din’t had problems with the boots either, however I think also that it might be special boots for the stuntman can run. 

    So far so good for me.