New Comics for 12/15/2010 may have gotten a bit tipsy at the company Holiday Party

Alright, folks! Get to pulling this Wednesday's books!
(uuugh… my head…) Let us know
what you're looking forward to most (why is the room still spinning?), what you're dropping (I should not have done shots with Conor…), what others should be buying (I remember Paul starting a conga line…), and anything else you're thinking about picking up. (am I wearing a Santa suit?)
Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase! (oh man, Carol in HR is not going to be happy)

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Matt, and Ali.

This week Ron has the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: Have you ever done something really embarassing at a holiday party? Was egg nog involved?


  1. Superman: Secret Origin Deluxe HC is what I’ll be grippin’ on, and Egg Nog with a Jigger of Whiskey is what I’ll be sippin’ on!

  2. Only 8 books this week. Not Bad

  3. Amazing, Avengers vs. Pet Avengers, Batman & Robin, Brightest Day, Green Lantern, Emerald Warrior, Plastic Man Weapon of Mass Deception, Supergirl, Time Masters, and last but not least, X-Force.  Most excited about Amazing and Time Masters.

    BQ: Nope.  Always too worried about making an ### of myself to ever let go completely. 

  4. And, I know it’s tangentially comic-related, but the DC 75th Heroclix come out this week!  Very excited about that too!

  5. Gonna pick up ASM, GI Joe Cobra, and Uncanny X-Force. Also picking up Proof for the first time so hopefully that lives up to the hype. And I may pick up that New Black Panther book depending on if my shop has it(they’re track record with regular daredevil was never that good)

    BQ: I’ll be going to my first legitamite holiday party in a week so I’ll get back to you.

  6. Brightest Day for Sure. Amazing Spiderman, and possibly Uncanny X force. 

    BQ: I have not, but a good friend got her self fired at a Holiday party by insulting a senior VP of a major media company to her face about the fur coat she was wearing. Was “laid off” 2 days later. 

  7. I have one book this week, DMZ.  How does this even happen?

    BQ: No, but I’ve done it at plenty of other times so I guess it will happen eventually.

  8. BQ: I find that almost everything I’ve ever done is somewhat embarrassing. 

  9. BQ: Not yet, well, not at any work-related holiday functions.

    Also, does anyone know what’s up with these “DC Presents” reprints? I know my LCBS only gets them upon request, so I’ve never actually seen one.

  10. Mystery Society and Superman: Secret Origin trades. I’m still not finished my books from last week’s attempt to murder my wallet.

    BQ: Not to my knowledge.

  11. Seriously jonesing for Batman & Robin … DADOES, DMZ, Uncanny X-Force, X-Factor … and who can resist a zombie graphic novel entitled FUBAR?

    BQ: so often that I don’t care to remember and no … eggnog? seriously? It takes a lot stiffer stuff than eggnog to get me to do something embarrassing at a party. ;P

  12. Batman and Robin, Green Lantern, Guy Gardener, Brightest Day (Lots of GL this week) and Spider-man BQ: This years! It was Superhero themed (So tailor made) So I got my WHOLE HEAD painted as Spider- man’s mask (I shave my head so when I say whole head I mean even the top and back of the head.

  13. Unwritten #20.  Always good.  May switch to trades on Green Lantern.

    BQ: I have been blessed with boring Christmas parties.  There was one, however, where everyone exchanged gifts.  Not knowing we were exchanging gifts in advance, I stopped at an antiques store to pick something up.  In there, I ran awkwardly into my ex.  Apparently, its not just old things they have at antiques stores.

  14. Damn, I won’t be able to get to my LCS this week. I have to get these books next week along with those books, which seems like it may be my biggest week ever. It looks like I’m going to have to spend over $50 next week. F**K!

  15. Back to a solid week for me. 5 books, not all good mind you, but a good amount if any.

    Batman and Robin, Green Lantern, Chaos War, Strange Tales II, and Thunderbolts 

  16. Here’s hoping that Image gives PROOF 2.0 the push it deserves!

  17. A solid five books this week: Amazing Spider-man, Avengers Academy, Darkwing Duck, Thunderbolts, and Wolverine

  18. 2 of the best X books, X-Factor and Uncanny X-Force, come out this week. So naturally, I’m pretty stoked! Also, we have more constantly consistent books out, like Birds Of Prey, Green Lantern and Avengers Academy.

    BQ: You know, I’ve never went to an office Christmas party. I was never really THAT close with my coworkers where I wanted to drink with them or face the awkward situation of seeing them plastered.

  19. Finally I’ll get to read Mystery Society!

  20. man yet another slow week for me. Only Uncanny X-force #3. Really getting upset with all the delays on Invincible and Guarding the Globe.

  21. 6 books for me, most looking forward to Magus #1 and Avengers Academy #7.
    BQ: Nope 

  22. Strange Tales, Uncanny X-Force, Wolverine, Velocity and GLAMAZONIA THE UNCANNY SUPER TRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!

    I’m also giving Deadpoolmax another shot based on the advice of a friend. I like the art but the first issue left me kind of ambivalent although he swears it’s good so we will see.

    BQ: No and no.

  23. @thompsonlive  I was for a while but then I read the letter column on the last issue of Invincible and it sounded like they just want to make sure the art gets done right instead of rushing it.  At this point, I can appreciate.  Gaurding the Globe not so much so I dropped that book a couple weeks ago.

  24. I’m most excited for Mystery Society TPB, but other choice comics this week include Velocity, Spirit, the Occultist, Strange Tales, and Meta 4.

  25. Solid week, looking forward most to ASM (love the 80s Spidey vibe), DMZ, TBolts and X-Force.  Nice to see the end of Time Bomb, which has been kinda fun, and I’ll give Black Panther a try.  Also getting the Secret Origins HC and Mystery Society TPB.

    BQ:  Not to my recollection…..


    BQ: I had to work the day after the Christmas party at the cafe so I couldn’t really drink and had to leave early. Everyone else got plastered and left a huge mess that I had to deal with the following morning. So I swiped some of the Leftover whisky of which there wasn’t much left. Then my boss freaked out about that so now I have to bring back the whisky. The whole ordeal has been embarrassing.

  27. 10 books for me. Most looking forward to ASM, and Uncanny X-Force. I may drop Unwritten, and finally switch over to trade. Superman is a game time decision. I’m not loving GL or Brightest Day, but I can’t see myself dropping either at this point.

    All the Mystery Society Love may get me to preorder the book on Amazon. Also looking forward to Superman Secret Origin HC.

  28. When is Infinite Vacation coming out? Thought it was this week…