New Comics for 04/14/10 are just trying to make it to May

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, David, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, and Matt.

This week Ron has the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: This might just be iFanboy's busiest month of the year. What time of the year is busiest for you and why?


  1. only three books this week

    Brightest Day, Flash and PunisherMAX

    I’ll have to pick up a few titles on a whim, see what’s going on outside my bubble.


    BQ – I don’t think I really have one..I’m boring…

  2. Nice week of new titles and some soild, recurring ones.

    Brightest Day #0, Chew #10, The Flash #1, Punisher MAX #6, and Seige: Loki

    BQ: Usually from Feburary-April; no matter what school year it is. Cause I get the most work and the most stressed out during this time. Like right now for instance…

  3. Great books this week, but most excited for Flash and Chew.

    BQ:Around this time it feels like there is a birthday every weekend, so it’s full of buying presents and making appearances. Fun, but draining.

  4. Batman #698
    Brightest Day #0
    Ex Machina New Ptg #1
    Flash #1
    Losers New Ptg #1
    Punisher Max #6

    BQ: This time of year is the busiest for me. I work for my state’s tax department and it’s that time of year.  Also I bought my new home last year and now I’m going to be busy updating the house. Right now, I’m working on a game room and just refurbished an old pool table.  If I could afford it I would get an arcade machine. For now, I’ll settle for a dart board.

  5. Blimey, I’m not even through last Wednesday’s haul yet. I also never say the word "blimey" usually, but might start. All trades, all the time for me this week: Jonah Hex: Six Gun War, Power Girl: New Beginning and Gotham City Sirens: Union.

    BQ: I have friends and family birthdays every single week in March and April (including my own somewhere in there).

  6. First, I’d just like to say that Wednesday is my 52nd week buying comics in issues, and spending my Wednesdays on iFanboy.  What an awesome year it has been.

    Flash (Flash Rebirth #1 was my first issue, fitting this comes out exactly one year after buying it) Batgirl, New Mutants, Batman, Brightest Day, Green Arrow, and Chew.

    BQ: I’m a 21 year old college drop out.  I’m never busy. 

  7. I’m most excited for Flash #1, and most intrigued by Iron Man: Noir #1. How do you make Iron Man noir? Seems like a recipe for disaster, but I will read it anyways.


    BQ: Thanks to iFanboy, I’m also very busy this month. And it’s spring, love is in the air, which takes a lot of time and energy to deal with. 

  8. I’m looking forward to the Iron Man Legacy series by Fred Van Lente.  I think this is going to be out of continuity a la the first class books, which were lots of fun.  Iron Man Noir also looks like a cool idea — anybody familiar with the creative team.

    And there seems to be a book called ‘Kill Shakespeare’ involving Shakespeare heroes fighting Shakespeare villains.  I kind of need that.

    BQ: This week has been pretty damn busy, but May/June probably moreso, with lots of travel on the books.

  9. ART OF TONY HARRIS HARDCOVER BABY!!!!  Oh and a couple of little DC books.  It’s a very big week for me with loads of singles and a bunch of TPs like Power Girl.  I have a feeling it could be Flash’s week after the preview last week, but who knows? 

    BQ: Well, I’m in law enforcement and for us the lead up to Christmas is busy, as is the Summer time.  People spend a lot more time drinking to quench their thirst, thinking they can handle the drinking and then thinking they can handle all the people they don’t like very much.  Then we clean up the mess.  Oh, and any full moon – it actually does bring out a special kind of crazy.

  10. BQ: …and of course any time that ifanboy adds loads of new content to it’s site.  That makes me kinda busy.

  11. When is the walking dead supposed to be coming out, feels like ages since the last issue 

  12. Batman #698, Iron Man Legacy #1, New Mutants #12 (because of the x-over), Siege Captain America #1, Web Of Spider-Man #7, World War Hulks Hulked Out Heroes Wwhs #1

     BQ:  It seems like I’ve been busy since the year started, between work, birthdays, and other stuff….and with C2E2 this weekend, softball season, Cubs games, and weddings upcoming, it doesn’t look like its going to calm down at all.

  13. oof… big week this week (plus stuff from last week): Flash, Brightest Day, Daytripper, Chew, and probably some other stuff when I actually get to the shop.

    BQ: I don’t so much have a busy month, just a series of busy weeks spread out over several months, usually around the time that a theater production is going up somewhere

  14. Really excited about Ultimate Comics Enemy #3, Brightest Dayv #0 and Flash #1 this week. Need to catch up on Chew as well.

     BQ: This year the busiest months for me are april, may and june- lots of exams, lots of revision to do. 

  15. Nice week this week. New Flash and Brightest Day start, Fall of New Krypton continues, Siege one-shots, Wagner doing pulp with Green Hornet Year One, Daytripper, Daredevil, Forgetless (thanks, iFanboy), Irredeemable, Punishermax, World War Hulks, Fables – nice, solid week.

    BQ: I’m always busy (at least that’s what I tell my boss – and my wife).

  16. I wasn’t going to get Brightest Day, but I have nothing else this week so I think I’ll get #0 at least. I want to make a plug for Image Firsts Age of Bronze #1. If you like war books, Incred. Hercules and other mythology inspired books, you should be reading this. If you like it, buy some of the trades (3 currently). Enjoy!

  17. Definites are Chew, Flash and Powers, with Iron Man Noir and Siege: Loki major possibilities.

    BQ: May is the busiest for me, since we’re receiving all our stock at my store for the summer tourist season and the tourists are starting to arrive.

  18. This looks like a big week for me. I’ll be grabbing Adventure Comics, Atomic Robo, Chew, Irredeemable, Unwritten, Web of Spider-Man, and I haven’t read much Flash before, but those preview pages have me pretty excited for issue one.

    BQ: I hate to complain, but I’m always busy. I’m very important like that.

  19. Quite a few premiere issues this week, wouldn’t be surprised if one of them were pick of the week. Interested to see how Brightest Day reads and if Adventure Comics isn’t as fragmented as the previous issue was.

  20. A solid week this week.  I’m looking forward to the new Tom Strong HC (love that series) plus a bunch of new issues including Flash, Unwritten, Savage Dragon, and such.

    BQ: Um…is all year an option?

  21. BQ: Usually August.  When the school years starts.

  22. It’s a Geoff Johns week for me: Flash and Brightest Day

     BQ: August, my internship starts then. What’s so especially busy for Ifanboy this month?

  23. flash 1…

     BQ : summer time of course 😉 

  24. Flash, Brightest Day, BPRD, Chew, and maybe those Siege tie-ins. Very exciting week for me.


    My busiest time of year is right now, as I am a recent college grad with an education degree and most schools are just now posting their jobs for the next school year. Non stop job applications.

  25. Most excited for Fables, Powers and BPRD, will pull 5 or 6 more though.

    BQ: End of the year, beginning of the year. Work in corporate insurance, most plans renew around the first of the year. 

    How does Booster Gold have more pulls than Fables?


  26. I cant wait for Chew and Powers. (Yay, my first post!)

  27. Flash (so excited, can’t wait!), Daredevil, Lockjaw & Pet Avengers & Secret Six. Can’t decide on getting Brightest Day or not. I’m in the mood for some insular books.

    Did I already mention how excited I am for The Flash!?

    BQ: Summer. 

  28. I’m breaking the bank this week. I’m most looking forward to Brightest Day (my fave, Aquaman is back) The Flash (goes without saying) Iron Man Legacy can’t get enough IM) and Star Wars Dark Times (I never know when an issue is going to be released, so it’s a big deal)


    BQ: I would have to say August for me. I work at a university and that’s when all the students return and it’s hectic.

  29. @Suicidalkangarooz – Congrats on your first post (and you very interesting username).

    Bprd King Of Fear #4 (OF 5)
    Brightest Day #0
    Fables #94
    Flash #1
    Kill Shakespeare #1 

    BQ: Finals week in December is generally rather busy (even busier than finals week in May). 

  30. Secret Six, Savage Dragon, Black Widow and at least the first issue of Brightest Day (for the Fernando Pasarin artwork) for me.

    BQ: Hmmm… I don’t know, but last weekend kept me pretty busy with WonderCon and all the after party action. I feel like I’m STILL recovering from all that.

  31. wow this is a first:  nothing

    BQ: every month is busy

  32. Nice week:

    Atomic Robo(pretty sure this is shipping back to back these next two weeks, which is AWESOME!!!)

    BPRD: King of Fear



    and The Unwritten

    BQ: I’m pretty busy right now with upcoming finals and all that stuff.

  33. Batman, Detective, Flash, Brightest Day, Doc Savage.  I guess busiest time is Oct – Dec, budget season for planning marketing budgets.

  34. I predict Ron will make his Pick either "Flash #1" or "Brightest Day #0."  This is 10% of his pull list, and I predict his pick will have to fall into this 10%.  Or my name isn’t Dave Lizewski!

    I successfully predicted 2 of the 3 previous picks.  Only missing Conor’s pick, when he went around my prediction by surprisingly picking a book that recieved only 0.97% of the user picks.  Touche Kilpatrick.  Touche.  I’ll get you next time.  🙂

  35. Big week for me. Thank you DCBS. 14 books, and Power Girl Trade. Most looking forward to Chew, Brightest Day, and Daytripper. Daytripper should really be getting a lot more love.


    BQ: November because most attorneys/judges go on vacation in December, and there’s always a mad rush to get things done before the vacation. 

  36. Always fun to see I have a big week of comics the week after getting a crappy paycheck. Why does the universe hate me? :< Looking forward to Brightest Day, Flash, Chew and Batgirl most of all but it’s looking like I’m gonna have a kick-ass week of comic reading ahead. 

    BQ: August-September is inspection time at work which means lots of cleaning. Heaven forbid there be a coffee bean anywhere there shouldn’t be!

  37. This list is absolutely overwhelming. This week may be recorded in the annals of Jimski history as Dropocalypse.

    BQ: Until recently, when I worked with people who made beer commercials, it was Super Bowl week. Now…? Well, a kid’s coming in August, so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say "August."

  38. 14 issues this week but I’m pretty iffy on Iron Man Legacy and the Ares one shot.

    Most Excited for:

    1) New Mutants #12 (both this series and the crossover have been awesome so far.  Zeb Wells is knocking it out of the park)

    2) Siege Loki #1 (McKelvie drawing the Asgardians is beautiful)

    3) X-Factor Forever #2 (stories with the classic team, plus Apocalypse. What could make it better? Panosian’s art.)

    BQ: As an accountant and buyer for a retail chain the franticness of December shopping bleeds directly into the scramble for end of the year book keeping. Yuck.

  39. could have been a very light week, but going for the Seige tie ins and a couple of number 1 that look interesting:

    Brightest Day #0

    Flash #1

    Kill Shakespeare #1
    Siege Captain America #1
    Siege Loki #1
    Siege Young Avengers #1
    Ultimate Comics Enemy #3 (OF 4)
    Unwritten #12

    BQ: Always busy, no time to stop. 

  40. Batgirl #9
    Batman #698
    Brightest Day #0
    Flash #1
    Green Arrow #32

    BQ: Yardwork/Outside spring cleaning. UGH!

  41. I’m picking up Flash #1 (excited to see Manapul’s Flash), Chew #10, and World War Hulks, Hulked Out Heroes #1.  You can’t go wrong w/ a Hulked out Jeff Parker.


    BQ – I get busy everydayay.

  42. Biggest week I’ve ever had. It be crazy.