New Comics for 04.06.2011 is going to go with Justin Beiber

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Ron has the Pick!

Bonus Question: Bigger sign of the approaching apocalypse: Justin Beiber or Rebecca Black?


  1. Lots of Good books out this week. Excited for Nonplayer. From what i’ve seen so far, it’s a gorgeous book.

    BQ: I will go with Rebecca Black. I would say that she best represents the impending apocalypse because she did one thing and she did it terribly and is still an internet “sensation.”

  2. Small week for me. Only 5 books. Looking forward to Amazing Spider-Man and Heros for Hire.


  3. small week. Brightest Day (is it over yet?), Maybe Fear Itself and Jake Ellis…a couple of other in-store audibles are in the running for my cash. 

    BQ: I give Rebecca Black a pass…she’s just a kid chasing a dream (albeit with little to no talent) which 99% of her critics were too afraid to do themselves. Bieber on the other hand just may be one of the four horsemen… 

  4. Justin Bieber is our revenge against all the crap you’ve foisted on us for years!

  5. 5 books for me, most looking forward to Heroes For Hire, which is just fun as Hell, and Charismagic #1, which looks interesting.

    BQ: I have no idea who Rebecca Black is. I don’t like Justin Bieber, but I don’t understand the hatred people throw at him. He’s just a performer. if you don’t like him, don’t listen to him. it’s pretty simple. No need for everybody to get so worked up over him. So he sucks, so what? A lot of people suck.  

  6. some great issues out this week, kind of sparse for trades…

  7. Looking forward to Legend of the Scarlet Blade, Jonah Hex #66, and Nonplayer #1.

  8. Can’t wait to read the Justin Bieber comic book … or was that last week?

    OK … I admit it, I broke down and ordered Fear Itself. The prospect of not knowing what would happen was killing me. 

  9. Children’s Crusade, Brightest Day, Herc, Nonplayer, Who Is Jake Ellis

    I am on the fence about ASM Annual.  Story by John Layman of Chew fame.  It seems like it could be Elseworldy goodness, or a re-hash of House of M.

    BQ: Bieber is just the teen singing sensation du jour.  Unlike past incarnations, he at least has some talent.

  10. Jonah Hex, Memior, Nonplayer (!), Skaar, Sweet Tooth, Ultimate Cap, Vertigo Resurrected Hellblazer: Bad Blood, Witchfinder 

    BQ: Gonna go with Bieber

  11. I’m gonna try “Blue Estate #1.” I’ll also be pulling the usual “Brightest Day #23,” “Chew #18 (a favorite),” & “Sweet Tooth #20.”

  12. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

    fear itself,brightest day, other stuff.
    BQ: i’m pretty sure that those 2 names in one sentence will cause the apocalypse. the skies are turning red!!!!!!! 

  13. Excited for Chew, but frankly not looking forward to any books this week as I went trade happy at Wondercon.  The stack is piling up.

    BQ: Rebecca Black.  I have no idea who that is supposed to appeal to.

  14. So many of my favorite LCS pulls come out this week (Brightest Day, Chew, Sweet Tooth, Doom Patrol, Children’s Crusade).  It will be hard to guess what will emerge as my victorious POTW.

    I may also try Fear Itself, Herc, &/or Blue Estate.

    BQ: The true sign will be Bieber singing “Friday”.  I think it would be classified as audio pestilence.

  15. Definitely Rebecca Black.

  16. Brightest Day
    Fear Itself
    Ultimate Cap

    Beiber is the final sign.

  17. Abyss: Family Values
    Brightest Day
    Green Wake (CHECK THIS BOOK OUT)
    Heroes for Hire
    Infestation (Thank god it’s over)
    i Zombie
    Sweet Tooth
    Uncanny X-Men

  18. BQ; i know this is a pop culture website where we discuss things like Archie comics or how buff the guy playing Thor should (Not too Buff!) but i really cannot bring myself to talk about Rebecca Black or Bieber

    In other words, I’m going to

  19. Rebecca Black is the bigger sign of the apocalypse for me.

    Bieber is nothing new. There has always been terrible boy singers that tween and teen girls have gone crazy over. He’s cute to them and can dance. This has always been and will always be.

    Rebecca Black on the other hand is new and terrible in many different ways. Not only is she a spoiled little girl who’s parents paid $2,000 for a hack “music” company to make a song and video for her. She is also part of the new obnoxious trend of the internet making the dumbest, least worthy of our time people known and relevant for terrible reasons. In this case, so the entire internet community could laugh at a little girl. And because everyone all wanted to be in on the joke. All it did was make the girl, her parents, and the terrible music company a bunch of money and press. At one point it was estimated that they were pulling in $20-30 grand a week on itunes and youtube. Utterly ridiculous. All because of what internet culture has turned into. So yeah, that to me is a much bigger sign that the world is imploding. 😉

  20. Only two books Brightest Day and Sec.Six,  I have started to trade wait on alotta books I used to buy to save money.

    BQ: Kinda odd, I have no idea who the girl is and the boy is a pop star for 12 year old girls to listen to so why would either be signs of the Apocalypse?

  21. A good week this week with lots of books.  Looking forward to the kick off of Marvel’s event, and lots of indie goodness.

    BQ:  The fact that we’re even seriously discussing this is sign enough for me.  Goodbye cruel world!

  22. I don’t know about all of you but this week is super light…

  23. Small week. Only 3 books. I’m looking forward to the 7.99 Hellblazer Bad Blood written by Jamie Delano. I have the first two issues but never completed the mini so I can’t wait to reread it as a complete piece.


    I have a strong feeling about this one, n$##a please!

  25. Soild week of comics for my birthday! Woot!

    Chew, Herc, Sweet Tooth, Ultimate Asshole #4

    BQ: At least I’ll give Bieber SOME points for having SOME musical ability. Rebecca Black, as far as I can work out, just used an autotuner and some high production values (how a girl like her got that equipment I have no idea) and you’re suddenly ‘talented’. 

  26. BQ: Apocalypse or not, if it wasn’t for Rebecca Black we wouldn’t have this amazing performance:

    Television needs more Yeti and beekeeper.

  27. Why oh why can I not have a super light week after I come back from holiday? Some good books though, I’m interested in Fear Itself and Brightest Day is always a good read.

    BQ: Rebecca Black fo sho! Bieber seems like he may in fact have a sense of humor. I’m referring of course to things involving the church lady…..

  28. BQ: Nope, sign of primitive musical taste.

  29. Not a big week but with Herc and Fear Itself among others, there should be some quality.  I’m going to give Blue Estate a shot as well.

    BQ:  Definitely the Bieber

  30. Annihilators #2 (OF 4)
    Batman Beyond #4
    Brightest Day #23
    Fear Itself #1 (OF 7)
    Izombie #12
    Jonah Hex #66
    Skaar King Of Savage Land #1 (OF 5)

    Uncanny X-Men #534.1

    BQ: They shall come together and birth an offspring by 2012 and thus the end of the world shall be.

  31. Sweet Tooth,Brightest Day, Jonah Hex, Heros for Hire, Annihilators #2 mostly for the Rocket Raccoon story and maybe Uncanny X-men but I been let down by the X-men in the past

  32. Just Madman Super Giant New Size Ginch Gonch Gooch Special One Shot Special for me.
    I will also be buying Fearful Hunter #2 from Isotope since I wasn’t able to attend WonderCon and buy it there.

    BQ: I don’t know what any of that stuff is.