New Comics for 03.30.2011 will crave BRAINS and BOOZE

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Ron has the Pick!

Bonus Question: When the zombie apocalypse breaks out during our zombie barcrawl at WonderCon, what role do you play in the ragtag group of survivors that you will find yourself in?


  1. I can’t wait to read Action Comics#899…

    BQ: I’ll be throwing pints of fire beer at the zombies! 

  2. Super-light week this week: Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America. BQ: I’ll be weeding out the living from the living dead by asking them what they think of Amy Adams’s casting as Lois Lane. Long winded rant means living. “Blargh!” means living dead. Eh

  3. Eh…maybe take them all out to avoid having to live through the zombie apocalypse having to listen to the rants of the living.

  4. Less light than I thought. I just noticed Detective Comics comes out this week too. Snyder is killing it on this book!

  5. Okay, I’ll shut up now. 🙂

  6. BQ: I’d be the guy that tried to carefully explain how the zombies function and that we need to attack the brain who’d be eaten immediately after the explanation.  It would be gory.

  7. Heavy Week for me. 12 books. Excited for Kick-Ass 2, Ultimate X, 5 Ronin, Walking Dead, and American Vampire.

  8. 9 book week here. Looking forward to Punisher and Zatanna.

    BQ- In the real Zombie Apocalypse or the Wondercon ZA? In the real one I’m soooooooo gonna be quick meal (fat guy can’t run, no cardio).

  9. Nice week a lot of solid books; 9 is my number. Decided to trade wait on Kick-Ass 2. Also, what’s up with the Jimmy Olsen Special? Reprinted issues, and the finale? I’m assuming that’s the only way to get the last party of the story. No?

  10. A goddamn beautiful week of comics.  Love that ying/yang of the most pulled titles so far – Snyder’s Tec and Slott’s nostalgic Spidey.  Then Scalped, American Vampire, a bumper Cap, Scarlett and the twisted brilliance of Remender’s punisher.  The only downside is that Butcher Baker hasn’t been confirmed this side of the pond.

    BQ:  Either the family man sliding into the abyss to protect those cloise to him….or the loner who failed to save his family.  Or something…

  11. God kill me I have 22 books this week.

    Bq: I guess I’ll be the saviour of the hot chick population. Someone has to do it. 🙂

  12. BQ: I’ll have a cricket bat with me… I’ll be fine.

  13. @Stuclach you’re a red shirt, that doesn’t seem right!

    I’d be guy who takes charge and leads us to safety, but i won’t be perfect and loose some red shirts (looking at you chris!) 

  14. Good week for me, detective/ASM/Walking Dead and Emerald Warriors!

    BA: id be the guy making firebombs with all the bottles of liquor (id also check for a winchester rifle above the bar)

  15. Action, ASM, Batman & Robin TPB, Detective, Green Lantern Emerald Warriors, Jimmy Olsen, Wonder Woman

  16. Lot’s of books for me this week, but I have to wait for DCBS to ship them. I’m looking forward to the Strange Tales II hardcover.

    BQ: I’d be the guy pointing out highlighted sections of the Zombie Survival Guide to everyone else. They’d end up killing me because of how annoying I was, but then they would die by not following the proscriptions in the book.

  17. Stoked for some Scott Snyder this week with Detective and AV. Also pickup Scarlet and the complete 5 Ronin mini now that it’s finished. Might also go back and catch up with Wonder Woman, I dropped it after JMS ditched it but it looks like it’s going strong. Also been thinking about picking up the War of the Green Lantern issues, but I’m more likely just gonna go with the trade.

    BQ: The reluctant leader (who hopefully doesn’t lose his hand) 

  18. 9 this week. Most looking forward to the Scott Snyder 2-fer, Ultimate X (because it is so gosh darned pretty), and Godzilla (although I might feel a little weird reading it in light of current events)

    BQ – I am inevitably the big guy everybody likes who they have to take out when he turns.

  19. For those who care — Dean Haspiel is on a Cyclops one-shot this week. Could be interesting.

  20. Good, solid week with some new #1’s I forgot was coming out. Hopefully my shop has an extra copy of Eric Powell’s Godzilla and/or Joe Casey’s Butcher Baker.

    Secret Avengers, Action Comics, Detective Comics.

  21. 5 books for me, REALLY looking forward to Amazing Spider-Man. I always liked the Spidey/Torch relationship, I’m very curious to see how Spidey handles the death of his best super-hero buddy.

    BQ: I’m the fun loving comic relief who keeps the mood as light as can be during the Zombie Apocalypse. 

  22. I have 9 books this week. Definitely one of my biggest. Lots of really exciting books too. Can’t wait to get to the store this week!

  23. I will be the old guy that hooks up with the young hot girl and plays the morale center of our ragtag group. Just don’t tell my wife.

  24. I have 11 books this week. Looking forward to the next issue of WOTGL’s and Detecitve Comics, and Amazing Spider-Man.

  25. BQ: i’m the guy that would use all of you as bait to lure the zombies away from me

  26. Holy monkey crap!  I have 14 books this week.  Where did they come from?  A lot to be excited about though.

    BQ: I would be the guy with the chainsaw and a boomstick.

  27. @WeaklyRoll  I wonder if I could just wear a jacket?

  28. @Stuclach A red jacket, or a a jacket to hide your red shirt that will make you last a little longer and when you finally die we will see the red shirt underneath and go, AHHHH?

  29. @WeaklyRoll  I’m thinking a nice yellow jacket zipped all the way up.

  30. @Stuclach, as long as it covers the red shirt and make you live longer, it could be joesph’s technocolour dream coast. When economics comes back, we need a specialist!

  31. Teen Titans, Zatanna, Butcher Baker and Tarot Witch of the Black Rose for me this week.

    BQ: I don’t know anything about zombies or any of that other shit. All I know is I’ll be the guy smoking dope with some of my favorite comic creators on Saturday night.