New Comics for 03.16.2011 won’t stop sneezing!

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Austin, Chris and Matt.

This week Conor has the Pick!

Bonus Question: What's your best cold remedy?


  1. BQ. Avoid getting one at all costs, unfortunately it never seems to work!

  2. BQ: Take multi vitamins everyday, eat tons of fruits and vegetables. Also drink water, plenty of rest, and most IMPORTANTLY keep a positive attitude.

    My Comics

  3. Whiskey, always whiskey

  4. BQ: Crown Royal and Buckley’s…

  5. BQ: I get another cold and let them battle it out, much like fire fighters start another fire to kill the big fire. I don’t know how it works, i just know it does!

  6. For that throat full of broken glass: oil of oregano.

  7. BQ:  Pretty much any hot drink.  TheraFlu mixed with some honey is great.

    But the best remedy is to get a lot of them as a kid.  I had them constantly and I can count on one hand the number of colds I’ve had in the last 10 years. 

  8. Light week: ASM, Brightest Day, Iron Man 2.0.

    BQ: Lots of sleep and vitamin C. 

  9. Brightest Day, ASM and Uncanny X Force .1 are the highlights. 

  10. Small week for me. Lookin forward to Brightest Day.

    BQ: Eat your boogers. Builds up immunity.

  11. I expect my long ago ordered Walt Simonson Thor Omnibus to arrive this week. All other answers are invald.


  12. Wow.  One book this week.  Looks like I’m going trade shoping.

  13. Thunderstrike is out this week!
    Im also looking forward to seeing the new spider armour

  14. Don’t see the Thor omnibus on this list. I have my copy preordered on Amazon so I won’t get it this week anywho.

  15. Ok, ‘wash hands’ is to prevent a cold. To cure one, lots of fluids (non-alcholic), dress warmly and get more sleep than usual.

  16. Oooo, both awesome Thunder books (Bolts and Agents)!  Also looking good to me, X-Force, DMZ and Morning Glories amongst others.  Also intrigued by the Xombi relaunch.  It’s an odd choice, but
    I remember the original being good.

    BQ:  Water, movies on the couch but also, when you get past the worst, get ouside and take some fresh air.  It’ll clear you right out. 

  17. What a crappy week for me. I ordered ‘Captain America and Crossbones’ for the Shalvey art but apparantly my LCS said I ordered it ‘too late’ for the Diamond shipment. So I have to wait next week for that. So all I’m getting is THUNDERBOLTS…..maybe I’ll try that XOMBI series out if my shop has an extra copy.

    BQ: NyQuil. Best invention ever. Not the liquid stuff though, I can never hold that down. 

  18. eight books before a con. Yay!
    BQ: Ancient Mexican remedy. Tequila and herbal tea.

  19. Hot green tea.  Also I never, ever, ever touch any stair rails or hand rails at cons.  Deadish week for me, looks like I’ll be grabbing a trade!

  20. A great week this week.  I’m begrudingly buying two point one issues, only because they sound awesome and I LOVE the series they are for.  Also, more Thunderbolts, new Vertigo series, and Brightest Day don’t hurt nobody.

    BQ: Work in a school.  I never get sick because my white blood cells know how to kill motherfuckers.

  21. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

    BQ: try to make a dent in the insanly high stack of books i have to read. it usually scares me into health.

  22. bq. Time.

  23. 4 books this week for me, most looking forward to avengers Academy!

    BQ: Advil decongestant with lots of OJ and rest.  

  24. what has happend to comics of late?

    the last four weeks have just  been rubbish.

    BQ: be awesome and never get sick like me

  25. Thunderbolts, AMS and Uncanny X-Force

    BQ: Entire bottle of NyQuil and sleep for 24 hours straight.

  26. BQ: Graeprfruit juice and DayQuil.

    Only two books this week , one mini ends and one draws close to an end.

  27. DAMN IT! I have written this three times now and for some reason it will not post.
    This is a light week for me as well so I will finally “attack my stack”! I have a few books where I am about one month behind so if I can keep from buying anything extra this week I should be caught up by Sunday night!!
       As for the flu, virus, or any cold here is the best remedy (garaunted to work with in two nights or less):
    Vics vapo rub heavily rubbed into chest, throat and under nostrils as often as possible
    Lots of clothing and extra blankets (sweating it out is the best no matter how uncomfortable and cange after you are soaked so you don’t get worse)
    SLEEP!!!!SLEEP!!!!SLEEP!!!!SLEEP!!!! ( just like working out your body needs time to heal itself and sleep is the time when it does the most and relieves stress which breaks down your imune system)
    Vitamin C (OJ with lots of pulp or freshly squeezed) and 7 UP (especially if your stomach is sick use 7-Up)
    Soup and more soup
      I hope this helps it sucks being sick especially at work….



  28. Oh I almost forgot….
    No antibiodicts (my spelling is not that good without the spell check)!
    Ni-Quill is good however; Robitusin is the best!!
