New Comics for 02.16.2011 would win for Best Use of Pajama Pants on Multiple Conference Calls

Get to pulling this Wednesday's books, and then let us know what you're looking forward to most, what you're dropping, what others should be buying and anything you're thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, and Matt.

This week Ron has the Pick!

Bonus Question: If you could give yourself a Grammy Award, in what completely specialized and unique-to-you category would it be?


  1. BQ: Most Effort Expended in the Pursuit of Laziness.

  2. 13 comics, one TPB for me this week.  I’m mostly excited about some indie books: Suicide Forest #3, Twilight Guardian #2, and Morning Glories TPB.

  3. Uncanny X-Force, Venom Deadpool, Amazing Spiderman and Thunderbolts.

    BQ: Busiest Slacker in a Foreign Short Film Documentary

  4. BQ- best album recorded at 4 in the morning

  5. BQ: Best Drunken Commentary – Alternative

  6. A giant stack of books this week. Excited for the return of Green Lantern.

    Bq: Best Album from an artist not named Lady Antebellum

  7. BQ: Least interested in the Grammy Awards.

  8. BQ: Most dedicated to DC Continuity
    BQ:  Most pissed when a creator(s) jumps ship from project to project (cough) JMS (cough)


  9. BQ: Best “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere” Rationalization

  10. Jennifer Blood #1
    Green Lantern #62 (finally)

    BQ: I agree with (@stuclach) “least interested in the Grammy Awards”

  11. i have to get a couple of things from last week as weather delayed all UPS until maybe today. I’m looking forward to catching up on Big Time spiderman…

  12. Solid vertigo week with Blazer, Fable and DMZ.  Looking forward to the Jeff Parker titles too.  X-Force is worth waiting for too, although I think Opena will be missed for the months he’s not on it.

    BQ: With my musical skills? Best acquired taste.

  13. What is going on here? whny am i only getting one book? the companies are really dropping the ball lating. forget about dropping sales figures, Publish good comics and i’ll buy them.

    BQ: i don’t know, just as long and kanye is there to tell me i suck when i get the award, ill be happy

  14. Amazing Spider-Man #654.1, Avengers Academy #9, Batman #707, Brightest Day #20, Captain America By Jack Kirby Omnibus Hc , Green Lantern #62, Green Lantern Corps #57, S.H.I.E.L.D. #, Wolverine #6

    Just re-read first five issues of shield on the weekend. Hopefully Spider-Man .1 is a good as Wolverine last week.  Have the Cap Kirby Omnibus on order from Amazon so likely won’t get until the end of March 🙁


    BQ: Best use of a wah pedal in a porn soundtack.

  15. Huge week for me, over 20 books. Very diverse selection as well I don’t know what to expect. Probably looking forward the most to checking out the first issues of Silver Surfer and Marvel Girl.

  16. Hawkeye: Blindspot!!!!  C’mon people! 🙂

  17. @EDWARD LOL!  sorry for the caps but that was a good one

  18. Only 3 books for me this week, but they are all good ones; Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers Academy and Doom Patrol!

    BQ: Best Performance by Musician Who Can’t Pick a Genre and Stick to It, Male.  

  19. Small week but I got the 2nd issue of Ultimate Captain Asshole to read from last week.

    Green Lantern, SHIELD, and Thunderbolts.

    BQ: Best Jewish-Rastifarian Album 

  20. *beat

  21. A nice light week for me packed with goodness.  Uncanny X-Force, Hulk, and Brightest Day are exciting!

    BQ: Best Doughnut Eater- Anytime of Day