‘Marvel’s Avengers Assemble’ – S01E05 – “Blood Feud”


Here’s how “Blood Feud” is described:

The Avengers face-off with Dracula and his vampire army.

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. So, anybody digging this show at all?

    I hadn’t heard too many positive reviews yet.

    • Kinda answered your own question, didn’t you? I had one guy tell me he liked watching it with his kid. Othat than that? Nada.

    • Can’t say I’m digging anything about it. As a matter of fact, if I hear another mention of this kinda “Tech” or that kinda “Tech,” I think I’ll throw-up in my mouth! This show is just one half-a$$ movie cliche after another. It almost makes “Ultimate Spiderman” look like “The Wire!”

    • Watched one episode, and didn’t really dig it.

      Very cliche, kind of jumpy plotting, not very deep characterization, overall pretty weak.

      A: EMH was much better. Much, much, much better.

  2. This show sucks. I hate myself for watching it up to this episode in hope of it picking up. It never did. I’m quitting.

  3. IMO the show isn’t as good as Avengers EMH, but it’s better than Ultimate Spider-man. There seems to be a major plot developing with Red Skull working with other villains to take on the Avengers and that has me excited.