Here’s how “The Serpent of Doom” is described:
Thor believes he must sacrifice himself to save the world from Doctor Doom, who summons the Midgard Serpent using a powerful Asgardian weapon.
I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.
Does anyone like this show? Is it as good as Avengers EMH?
The short answer is “No”. I already told another guy on last week’s review page for USM or something and I went into detail why there. I’m sure there are some fans outside of the 9-12 age demographic but not many I’ve seen on here.
Here is my post from that article: “I tried watching it, barely made it through a half hour. I thought Avengers EMH was much better. I thought the current one was boring, and trying too hard to be like the movie. I think alot of other users on the site felt a similar way. If you just love Avengers, or all of Disney’s previous Marvel adaptations you might like it. For my time, Disney hasn’t made any cartoons worth watching if you’re over 9 years old. DC (GL and Young Justice) and Nickolodean (Legend of Korra, TMNT) offer more.”
My daughter likes this and USM a lot, and I enjoy watching them with her.
This is the first time I’ve read of this show. Why are there 2 Avenger shows with the same cast? Is this one aimed at a younger demographic like the Ultimate Spidey show or did Avengers EMH get cancelled?
Avengers EMH was cancelled last June.
Boy @Sitara119, kind of slipping huh? 😉 . I mean we’ve been talking about this for a couple months now, don’t tell me the real world been’s pulling you away.
yeah LoL, I don’t have cable, so I watch most of my toons on Netflix. I’m so far behind that I usually don’t even click onto these articles. I feel a little depressed now. I was really digging on Avengers EMH. Well, easy come…
Ehh, look at it this way; you could pretend Avengers EMH hasn’t ended yet and just stretch out any episodes you haven’t watched yet (I myself am only 3 episodes in to the first season).
These Marvel shows are awful, but they keep getting renewed for more seasons… Some of the DC shows were GREAT, but they get cancelled… I’m starting to see a horrendous pattern.
This is my problem with alot of Marvel movies, and the cartoons in a sense. The movies are fine, some are great; but it’s like if they can’t be like “Iron Man” then it’s not gonna be made. Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider, none of those guys will see film for a long time yet. This leaves DC to do weighty, dramatic movies; which is fine too but then we get something like “Green Lantern”.
I feel that Marvel’s stuff just has to have the broadest appeal, that it kinda loses it’s flavoring in the process.
They keep getting renewed cause kids love them. Remember these are cartoons aim at children. We may not like them. But wow do my little niece and nephew love these cartoons. So Marvel is doing something right.
Kids may love these shows, but will they remember them? Do they have lasting appeal? That’s how I judge great cartoons. You can make cartoons that appeal to both kids and adults (“Avatar:the last Airbender”). Shows that I remember? “Samurai Jack”, “Batman:TAS”, “Justice League/Unlimited” (there are dozens of others, but I wanted to keep the list concise). People still remember those shows, because they were good. You can make shows just aimed at kids, but if you just aim at the lowest common denominator I doubt you’ll produce anything really memorable. Time will tell how USM and Hulk AOSMASH and AA is remembered though.
@IthoSapien That is the correct way to judge shows… I am fairly young, but I like to think that both my younger brother and I have an eye for substance. With that said, these Marvel shows are good for a Saturday morning viewing with a youngling, but don’t have the lasting appeal of the shows you mentioned, ESPECIALLY B:TAS. But the kids like ’em, and they wake up early enough to watch them, so keep showing them! I swear, in EVERY aspect, the Big 2 are slowly going down the shitter.
The shows I remember best as a kid are He-Man, Gummi Bears, and The Smurfs. I couldn’t stomach 5 minutes of any of these now. I don’t think this metric is how best to measure the quality of a TV show.
Not really what I meant. The shows I listed still hold up today, and if people went back and watched them I guarantee at least 99% could do more than stomach them. Those are great shows. How would you define good shows? If lots of people watch it? If it’s popular? Lots of people watched “Friends”. “Twilight” is popular. I don’t think either of those are good entertainment at all.
The Midgard Serpent and Dr Doom, I thought this episode was fantastic! I hope that they show other hero’s in the Marvel Universe.
This episode was pretty good. The first few seemed to aim for a younger demo, but this one seemed to be more along the lines of EMH. I really enjoyed it. Hope the rest of the season is like this.