Kelly Sue DeConnick Takes Flight with SUPERGIRL

It's not that I lose sleep over the future of Kara Zor-El. There's no tossing and turning, or padding out onto the deck to look up at the stars, wrapped in a red blanket. No biting of the bottom lip as I sketch her image in a marble notebook, the doodle wreathed in tiny question marks.

But these days, I do tend to worry and wonder when Supergirl's name pops up. Loeb brought her back and Gates and Igle furnished her new world in a character defining run. Then their run ended and we heard Nick Spencer would usher the character into the larger DCU. But before his run even started, it was abandoned. Little girl lost. What to do?

Well, Supergirl's future is still a little uncertain, but we know she'll be taken care of for at least three issues this summer. As reported by Robot6, Kelly Sue DeConnick will offer her take on the girl Kryptonian with artists ChrisCross (yay!) and Marc Deering starting in June. The cover to the right is by Mahmud Asrar. 

Here's the synopsis for June's Supergirl #65:

“Co-ed of Steel? Supergirl goes undercover on a college campus to help Lois Lane uncover the truth behind a string of recent student disappearances! What they uncover, though, leads Supergirl directly into a confrontation with one of the DCU’s deadliest villains!" 

DeConnick is best known for her work at Marvel, including prison drama mini Osborn, and one-shots for Sif and Rescue (from the pages of husband Matt Fraction's Invincible Iron Man). She's also collaborated with Steve Niles on IDW's 30 Days of Night: Eben & Stella. 

This Supergirl arc will serve as Deconnick's debut project for DC comics. 

As a fan of both Lois and Supergirl, I'm pretty excited. It's also a great choice for DeConnick, whose Sif oneshot totally impressed. Very cool to see the writer branching out with this project on the opposite side of the aisle. Will it lead to further Supergirl writing? Other DC projects? And what's next for Kara once the leaves start turning? It's all up in the air. 


  1. Really digging Osborn, very excited to see what she does with Supergirl

  2. who is doing the art?

  3. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @AmirCat  As mentioned in the article, ChrisCross and Marc Deering. 

  4. This is a good fit for Deconnick

  5. My bad, just saw it …

  6. I’ve been picking up Supergirl since her ran begain.  It basically bookmarks my return to comics. Everything hasn’t been awesome, but it’s been a fun time and am looking forward to this run.  I hope this has a wow factor and would love to see this get some good praise!

  7. Sign Kelly to DC!

  8. How can you not love someone named Kelly Sue? I mean, really!

  9. Might have to check out Supergirl again. Loved the Sif oneshot, didn’t particularly care for Rescue. So I can go either way.

  10. I will give it a few issues but she better have her A+ game or the book will be dropped.  After Gates/Igle I want quality on Supergirl to continue.


  11. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    @mguy77  It’s a three issue run. 

  12. I love Kelly Sue DeConnick (and okay, it’s about 30% because I enjoy saying her name) but it’s mostly because I’ve had fun with the books she’s written and I want to see more of her.

  13. Wishing her well.

  14. @PaulMontgomery  Rats.  What happened to long term runs on books?


  15. Osborn is one of my favorite books being published, and probably my favorite mini. I’ve never picked up a Supergirl book but I will be getting this.