Jesse McCartney Joins the Cast of LOCKE AND KEY

Yesterday I reviewed Fox’s Locke & Key pilot script, which is just getting ready to start production in Pittsburgh. It’s a great adaptation of Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriquez’s ongoing comic series, and all that was really missing were a few key casting announcements. Well, according to Deadline, we can now add the primary role of Tyler Locke to the casting gallery. The 16-year old lead will be played by Jesse McCartney. If you don’t recognize him from Summerland or back issues of Tiger Beat (do they still publish that?), you might recognize his voice from Cartoon Network’ s Young Justice, where he plays Robin.

So, here’s the cast so far:

Jesse McCartney as Tyler Locke

Sarah Bolger as Kinsey Locke

Skylar Gaertner as Bode Locke

Miranda Otto as Nina Locke

Nick Stahl as Duncan Locke

Harrison Thomas (no picture available) as Sam Lesser

??? as Dodge

Harrison Thomas is a question mark. Deadline lists him as a recurring character (“troubled teen, possessed by a demon”). That’s almost certainly Lesser. Unfortunately, there’s no information about the actor available.

But the real mystery here is Dodge, the series’ central antagonist. This is a very complex role, and because the character changes form, I’m not sure if the role will go to one actor or two. If it’s one, that could be very interesting. To say the least. I’m being ambiguous here on purpose.

If there are any other major question marks, it’s the casting of Rendell Locke, whose murder serves as the inciting incident for the whole story. Though he dies in a flashback, his presence will likely be felt throughout the series. Sort of like the Dad from Six Feet Under. Just maybe not so intrusive.

Anyway, looking pretty good! Some of those casting directors should get hauled away. For picking Lockes!




  1. ???

    THAT was funny.

  2. Oh, and that image of Skylar Gaertner totally looks like a weird paparazzi photo, but it’s actually a screenshot from his only credited performance, “Anthony” in the opening teaser of Law & Order SVU season ten episode “Smut” (2008). 

  3. Dodge will easily make or break the show.

    And at the same time I’m remembering Nip/Tuck when you find out a certain actress’ character was a male-to-female transsexual and saying, “…you know what, I can TOTALLY see it.”

  4. Good cast so far. I’d like to see Sebastian Stan as Dodge but he may be too old. However, he did just get the role of Bucky in the Cap movie.

  5. “troubled teen, possessed by a demon” Actually sounds much more like Dodge to me.  The troubled teen describes both I guess, sounds more like Lester though, but possesed by a demon sounds exclusively like Dodge.

    We are dealing with people that aren’t likely to have read the books so the reporter might be a little confused.

  6. @Spoons  It’s also listed as a recurring role though, which sounds more like Lesser. And in the context of the pilot script, Lesser really is sort of possessed or influenced by Dodge and the Dodge we see isn’t a teen. It’s a beautiful, if creepy woman in a well. 

  7. I’m all the sudden very excited about this show. Very jealous that Paul got his hands on the script. If he said it’s good, then I’ve got some faith. Just hoping FOX knows how to handle and market a show like this. Dodge is definitely going to be the lynchpin of the series. McCartney makes me nervous, but his performance as Robin on Young Justice is pretty good, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.